DRAFT notes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 6.3.23


Present:               Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Smith; Cllr I Mills, Ann Fletcher, Clerk to the Parish Council.

Also Present:       Representatives of the: Bowls Club; Parochial Church Council.

1/23       To confirm and sign the notes as minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 7.3.23.

The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Cllr Brigham.

2/23       To receive the annual report of Wigtoft Parish Council by the Chairman, Councillor Bruce Leggott.

The meeting was chaired by the Vice Chair, Cllr S Brigham who thanked everyone for attending. Cllr Brigham read Cllr Leggott’s report due to Cllr Leggott’s absence.

3/23       To receive any presentations from groups/organisations from within the village.

Parochial Church Council – There are a lot of changes coming up within the Church of England. There will be 3 categories of churches: Mission Churches e.g. Boston; Festival Churches – some may close; Community Churches – it is hoped Wigtoft will become one of these if they can continue paying what they do now or a little more. The Vicar is retiring in October. The changes are likely to happen around that time. Volunteers are needed to help with the grass cutting and hedge trimming in the churchyard. It is proving difficult to find volunteers. A contractor has made the first cut of the year, which cost £260.  Volunteers are needed to supplement the “paid for” cuts. The clerk advised that the Parish Council have agreed a donation of £300 to the PCC which will be paid in April.

Bowls Club – Not too bad a season last year. A programme of refurbishment of the Clubhouse is ongoing. The Clubhouse needs a new roof. The members will fit it. It is hoped that this will attract new members who are needed to ensure that the Club continues. The group played in Division 1 of the Boston Bowls League last year but unsure about this year.  

Apologies were received from Virna Atkinson who was unable to attend due to being unwell. Virna passed on the following:

Village Hall – hoping to get the heating upgraded this year.

The Parish Council are doing a good job. The sausage and mash supper was enjoyed by many. The Wildlife Garden is coming along nicely.

4/23       Public forum

The representative for the Bowls Club added that the club would like a sign to the Bowls Club. The Parish Council agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.

Cllr S Collingwood joined the meeting at 18.50.

Cllr Brigham informed the meeting that the Parish Council is planning to buy new Christmas lights in 2023.The Parish Council will be putting up bunting up for the Coronation. There will be another new bench installed in the Wildlife Garden provided by the Newsletter and the Village Hall.

Cllr Brigham thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 18.52. The next meeting will be held at 18.30 on the 4.3.24.