Details of road closures on the A17 from Holbeach to Swineshead Bridge from 3.12.24
Our Ref: 44122551/FB Date: November 2024
Homeowner/Occupier/Business Owner
#Lincolnshire County Council Place Directorate Highways Asset Management Drainage Asset & Cyclical Works Lancaster House 36 Orchard Street Lincoln LN1 1XX Tel: 01522 782070 Email:
Dear Sir/Madam,
ADVANCE NOTIFICATION OF CYCLICAL MAINTENANCE WORKS Scheme: A17 (BETWEEN A16 Roundabout and A151 Roundabout) Sutterton to Dowdyke Holbeach.
I am writing to inform you that Lincolnshire County Council will be carrying out cyclical maintenance works at the above location programmed to commence 3rd December 2024 and it will be necessary to close the public highway to vehicular traffic. It is anticipated that the works will be completed within 1 day and working hours will be between 2000 and 0600. 1. Description of works: - Cyclical Maintenance 2. Reason for works: - Maintenance of highway assets 3. Main Contractor: - Balfour Beatty 4. Commencement date: - 3rd December 2024 5. Approximate duration of works: - Full road closure will be in place during this time between 2000-0600, with limited access 6. Traffic Management: - Full Road Closure This date is provisional as other operations that LCC undertake may have priority. Due to the nature of the works and to ensure the safety of the workforce it will be necessary for the road to have in place a road closure. Every effort will be made to maintain access to properties within the working area during working times, however, please liaise with the onsite workforce to ensure this can be made possible. If you do require access to your property during the works, and it is within the works area, please be aware that you will be travelling through a live construction site. As such, please exercise caution, drive slowly, and observe any instruction given by the workforce. If you have any specific needs during the works, please speak to one of the operatives on site who will endeavour to assist. Should you have any queries or require further information, please contact the Customer Service Centre on the telephone number or email address above. Thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation.
Yours faithfully for Programme Leader Highways Drainage Asset & Cyclic Works