March 2024 Annual Parish Meeting


Present:               Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Smith; Cllr I Mills, Cllr B Leggott; Cllr K Redhead; Ann Fletcher, Clerk to the Parish Council.

Also Present:       Representatives of the: Bowls Club; Parochial Church Council; Litter Picking group; Wigtoft Newsletter and the Village Hall

1/24       To confirm and sign the notes as minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 6.3.23.

The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Chairperson, Cllr Brigham.

2/24       To receive the annual report of Wigtoft Parish Council by the Chairperson, Councillor Sandra Brigham.

Cllr Brigham read out her report. Please see attachment.

3/24       To receive any presentations from groups/organisations from within the village.

Parochial Church Council – Jane Barkham thanked the Parish Council for their donation of £300 last year. Help is needed with grass cutting in the churchyard. To pay to have it cut regularly is not sustainable. Two people currently come with strimmers when they visit the churchyard but more help is needed. Cllr Brigham said the Parish Council would spread the word.

Wigtoft Newsletter – John Craggs thanked the Parish Council for their donation of £200 last year. It is becoming harder to keep the Newsletter going due to increased costs. The committee would like new people on board to help. Cllr Brigham suggested linking in with Sutterton as there is a common theme among the groups. The Parish Council will try to encourage new items of interest for the magazine.

Litter Picking Group – Libby Craggs and Kim Blanchard represented the group. The Litter Pickers pick up lots of items, some can be heavy. Would the Parish Council be able to help with 4 new clamps, bag hoops and 4 grabbers? An additional bin at the layby at the Sutterton end of the village is needed. A lot of rubbish accumulates there including human waste. The clerk will add this as an agenda item to the next Parish Council meeting. 

Bowls Club –  Peter Brigham thanked the Parish Council for their help in sourcing a new sign which is being sorted out for this season. It has been a good season ending with being placed 2nd in the league. More players are needed but club is doing ok with approximately 16 members.

Village Hall – Virna Atkinson thanked the Parish Council for the £950 donation towards the completion of the new heating system. It is a much better system. There is a 5 year plan in place with more than half of the plan completed 2 years in. Thanks to Sally Smith and Sandra Brigham for their hard work and drive which has helped us with our achievements.

4/24       Public forum

No further comments.

Cllr Brigham thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 19.00. The next meeting will be held at 18.30 on the 3.3.25.