September 2020 Agenda


PHONE: 07383 276892

CHAIRMAN: Councillor Peter Craven

CLERK: Ann Fletcher

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the extra ordinary meeting of Wigtoft Parish Council, which will be held on Monday 21st September,2020, commencing at 19:30. This meeting will be conducted via a Zoom video link due to exceptional circumstances. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

If any members of the public would like to join the meeting by video link or by phone, please contact the clerk either by e mail or telephone (details above). If you are telephoning, please leave a message giving your name and contact number and the clerk will call you back.


1. Public Forum

2. Chairman’s remarks.

3. Apologies for absence and reasons given.

4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

5. Planning:

a) B/20/0286, erection of a two-storey side extension at 4 Hipper Lane, Wigtoft, PE20 2PY.

b) B/20/0308, erection of a single storey side and rear extension and car port following demolition of existing conservatory at Weavers Cottage, Asperton Road, Wigtoft, PE20 2PJ.

c) B/20/0322, Erection of detached double garage at Coronation House, Clover Lane, Wigtoft, PE20 2NU.