December 2024 minutes
Present: Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr K Redhead and Cllr I Mills.
Public Forum. (The Public Forum does not form part of the meeting of the Parish Council) – none.
Cllr Brigham opened the meeting at 19.02.
100/24 Chairperson’s remarks. None.
101/24 To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies and reason for absence received from Cllr Leggott due to sickness and Cllr Collingwood due to other commitments. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.
102/24 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests – none.
103/24 Notes of the meetings held on 4.11.24 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes by Cllr Brigham. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes.
104/24 Financial matters: Accounts due for payment for November and budget figures ytd. To hand over the bank reconciliation from 1.7.24 to 30.9.24 to Cllr Leggott.
Details of Payment |
Amount ex vat |
Vat reclaimable |
VAT not reclaimable |
15.11.24 |
Pay |
382.86 |
15.11.24 |
95.80 |
15.11.24 |
Clerk use of home as office |
35.00 |
9.11.24 |
Stationery |
3.96 |
0.79 |
30.11.24 |
Payroll Services |
18.00 |
5.11.24 |
Printer Ink |
9.99 |
2.00 |
18.11.24 |
Mid year internal audit |
60.00 |
13.11.24 |
Postage |
1.95 |
21.11.24 |
Replacement LED lights for 9 lamps |
3150.00 |
630.00 |
3757.56 |
632.79 |
14.11.24 |
vat refund |
293.80 |
293.80 |
It was resolved to agree the payment schedule and the budget figures ytd. As Cllr Leggott was absent, the bank reconciliation was handed to Cllr Brigham to pass on. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website
105/24 None.
106/24 Correspondence received since the 4.11.24 Meeting.
15.11.24 LALC fortnightly enews. Emailed to Councillors 9.10.24.
20.11.24 Boston Policing Plan for next year. Emailed to Councillors 25.11.24
21.11.24 Information from BBC about the precept for 2025 – 2026. Retained by clerk for future reference.
21.11.24 LALC re possible freedom of information request and instructions Emailed to Councillors and info retained.
22.11.24 Road closure A17 3-6 Dec 24. Emailed to Councillors. Posted on FB and website.
25.11.24 Make a Star Fund relaunch Emailed to Councillors 27.11.24
26.11.24 Town & Parish Newsletter from LCC Emailed to Councillors 27.11.24
**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils. **LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils. **BBC is short for Boston Borough Council. ** LCC is short for Lincolnshire County Council. **FB is short for Facebook
107/24 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Baxter – The area between the centre islands on the A17 is overgrown with grass. County Cllr MB comment that this work may be done with the planned roadworks.
Cllr Smith – residents have mentioned their concern about lorries parked on the roadside. The over 65 lunch on the 1.12.24 went well. This will probably be the last one. The money left over was used for the raffle prizes.
108/24 Borough and County Councillors reports.
County Councillor Brookes – There is an article about Fairer Funding in the latest Town and Parish Council Newsletter from LCC. It would help if it was possible to raise awareness about this initiative. There is a link to a template for a letter to your MP about this. Lincolnshire is £120m short each year. There is also a survey about the pylons and solar farms in the same newsletter and in the County News. Could you circulate to residents please.
Borough Councillor Cantwell – myself and Cllr Brown have produced a Christmas postcard which has been delivered to some residents and the Village Hall. Boston Borough Council Neighbourhood Services Team have advised me that they will clean up the mud by the curbs on Asperton Road as soon as possible. Two residents have asked me about a sign to advise “keep litter out of our village” and also a flashing speed sign. Councillors commented that the Parish Council have applied for funding for such a speed sign which was refused. Lincs County Council have advised that the overgrown areas on and near the building site on Asperton Road is not within their remit. The Borough Council Enforcement Officer has advised that it is not bad enough to require any action. James suggested that maybe the Wyberton Wombles might help.
109/24 Clerk’s report
Replacement LED lamps for streetlights – I have been advised by Eon that they were fitted in October and the invoice was sent to BBC. UPDATE 26.11.24 – INVOICE RECEIVED BY POST.
The tenant of the land has accepted the rent increase from 1.11.25. I have sent out the new agreement and received it back. It has been countersigned by the clerk and a copy will be sent to the tenant.
I am in the process of getting quotes for the replacement noticeboard and roundabout.
110/24 To review the play area inspection for October undertaken by Cllr Smith and decide if any actions are needed.
It was resolved that no actions were needed at this time.
111/24 To review the quotes for the Parish Council replacement noticeboard.
One quote has been received. It was resolved to wait until a second quote is received.
112/23 To agree the sites for the new Passive Speed Notices
It was resolved that Councillors would make a note of the current locations and advise the clerk.
113/24 An update on the offer from “I dig trees” for further free trees for the community.
It was resolved that the clerk should seek advice from Cllr Leggott re the siting of any new trees and date for delivery.
114/24 To discuss the email received from Richard Tice MP offering to attend a Parish Council meeting.
It was resolved to accept the offer.
County Cllr Mike Brookes and Borough Councillor James Cantwell left the meeting at 19:52
115/24 To continue the budget planning process
The clerk had sent out a budget planning spreadsheet which had been partly prepopulated with known figures. Further lines of the budget were agreed. The other budget lines which are yet to be agreed will be completed at the next meeting and the precept request will be sent to Boston Borough Council. Full details of the precept and the budget for 2025-26 will be reported in the minutes of the minutes of the next meeting and on the Parish Council website.
115/24 To review and agree the new version of the Financial Regulations.
The review was completed. It was resolved to accept the new version.
116/24 To review and agree the Standing Orders.
The review was completed. It was resolved to accept the updated version.
Meeting closed at 20.40. Next meeting 20.1.25 at 7pm.