Annual Parish Council meeting minutes May 2024
Present: Cllr S. Brigham; Cllr. S. Collingwood; Cllr. S. Baxter; Cllr. B. Leggott; Cllr. S. Smith; Cllr. K. Redhead; Cllr I. Mills.
Also Present: County Councillor M Brookes; Borough Councillor J Cantwell.
001/24 To elect the Chairperson for the coming year and to hand over the sealed envelope containing passwords relating to the operation of the administration of the Parish Council.
Cllr Baxter proposed Cllr Brigham for the role of Chairperson. Cllr Collingwood seconded the proposal. Cllr Brigham confirmed her acceptance as Chairperson for the coming year.
002/24 To arrange to receive the acceptance of office forms from the Chairman.
The acceptance of office for the role as Chairperson was signed by Cllr Brigham and countersigned by the clerk. The clerk handed the sealed envelope containing the passwords to Cllr Brigham.
003/24 To elect the Vice Chairperson for the coming year
Cllr Brigham proposed Cllr Baxter for the role of Vice Chairperson. Cllr Mills seconded the proposal. Cllr Baxter confirmed his acceptance as Vice Chairperson for the coming year.
004/24 To arrange to receive the Acceptance of Office form from the Vice Chairperson.
The acceptance of office for the role as Vice Chairperson was signed by Cllr Baxter and countersigned by the clerk.
005/24 To agree and confirm the notes from the Annual Parish Council meeting held on the 16th May 2023 to be signed by the Chairperson as minutes.
The notes were agreed and signed as minutes by the Chairperson. ACTION: Clerk to post on website and Facebook page. To agree and confirm the notes from the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on the 16th of May 2023 to be signed by the
006/24 To review and adopt the Financial Regulations and any amendments required.
The clerk had reviewed the new version of the Financial Regulations and sent them to Councillors to read prior to the meeting. It was resolved to adopt the new version of the Financial Regulations. ACTION: Clerk to update the website,
007/24 To review the renewal received for the insurance policy for all insurable risks and to consider other options due on 1.6.24, renewal price £419.72, last year £409.42.
This policy is a 3 year agreement with Aviva via Clear Councils. The main increase was due to the arrangement fee increasing from £25 to £40. It was resolved to accept the quote of £419.72. ACTION: Clerk to pay the premium by the 1.6.23.
008/24 To review the Council’s subscription to Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.
It was resolved to continue to be a member of the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.
009/24 To review the Council’s bank mandate.
It was resolved that no changes to the mandate were needed.
010/24 To confirm regular payments from the Council’s bank account.
The clerk advice Council that the only direct debit paid from the Council’s bank account is for HP Instant Ink. It was resolved to continue paying this way.
011/24 To review the Risk Management document.
It was resolved to defer this item to the next meeting as the clerk had not had time to review it prior to the meeting.
012/24 To approve the use of BACS/CHAPS/INTERNET BANKING to make payments from the Parish Council’s bank account.
It was resolved to approve the use of BACS/CHAPS/INTERNET BANKING to make payments from the Parish Council’s Bank Account.
013/24 To review the Council’s expenditure incurred under s. 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the general power of competence.
The clerk advised Council that for 23/24, the amount that could be spent was £10.81 per electors and that any payments made under S137 for that financial year were well within the allowance.
The Chairman closed the Annual Meeting at 19:07 and announced that the usual monthly meeting would now start.