November 2024 minutes
Present: Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr K Redhead and Cllr I Mills. Also present, 4 members of the public.
Public Forum. (The Public Forum does not form part of the meeting of the Parish Council)
The members of the public spoke about their concerns about how excess water was going to drain away from the residential building site on Asperton Road. They commented that there is a lot of water standing on the site now and it is starting to go into neighbouring gardens. Also, the dyke has for many years taken excess water away and now there is a “mountain” of soil which is preventing this happening. They also mention the fact that 3 bungalows further along Asperton Road flooded for the first time ever. They asked if the Council knew what was going to happen to the “mountain”? Cllr Brigham thanked them for attending and raising their concerns. The Council will try and find out what will happen to the soil.
Cllr Brigham opened the meeting at 19.15.
084/24 Chairperson’s remarks. None.
085/24 To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies and reason for absence received from Cllr Smith due to holiday. It was resolved to accept her apologies and reason for absence.
086/24 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests – none.
087/24 Notes of the meetings held on 7.10.24 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes by Cllr Brigham. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes.
088/24 Financial matters: Accounts due for payment for October and budget figures ytd. To hand over the bank reconciliation from 1.7.24 to 30.9.24 to Cllr Leggott.
Details of Payment |
Amount ex vat |
Vat reclaimable |
VAT not reclaimable |
15.10.24 |
Pay |
277.26 |
15.10.24 |
69.40 |
15.10.24 |
Clerk use of home as office |
35.00 |
31.10.24 |
Payroll Services |
18.00 |
5.10.24 |
Printer Ink |
9.99 |
2.00 |
2.10.24 |
Donation for Village Christmas Meal |
100.00 |
509.65 |
2.00 |
21.10.24 |
Land rent 1.11.24 to 30.4.25 |
402.50 |
402.50 |
It was resolved to agree the payment schedule and the budget figures ytd. The bank reconciliation was not ready to hand over and will be forwarded to Cllr Leggott in the next few days. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website
089/24 Planning: 1 - B/24/0427, Single storey extensions to dwelling including the demolition of an attached barn at Willow Cottage, Fishmere End Road, Wigtoft, Boston PE20 2PW.2 - B/24/0413, Application under s73 for the variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of permission B/23/0141 at Land to East of Llewelyn House, Main Road, Wigtoft, Boston, PE20 2NZ. 3 - B/24/0393, Approval of reserved matters (Landscaping and Layout) following outline approval B/21/0405 (Outline Planning Permission for 20 dwellings with Access, Appearance & Scale for consideration and Landscaping & Layout reserved for later approval) at Land adj to Millgate Lodge, Asperton Road, Wigtoft, Boston PE20 2PJ
It was resolved that there were no comments to send to the planning department about application 1 and 2. Application 3 – No comment on the approval of reserved matters. The Parish Council would like to raise further concerns about the state of the site at the moment in respect of the amount of water building up on the site, the potential for flooding on the neighbouring property's garden and about the drainage and potential for future flooding. This has already happened in 3 properties in the village on the same road for the first time ever. Several residents attended the public forum to voice similar concerns. It was resolved that the clerk send the above comments to the planning department. ACTION: Clerk to advise planning.
090/24 Correspondence received since the 7.10.24 Meeting.
4.10.24 LALC fortnightly enews. Emailed to Councillors 9.10.24.
16.10.24 Local Mosque Open Day (info from BBC) Emailed to Councillors 16.10.24, posted on FB and Website.
17.10.24 Your Neighbourhood Policing Team Quarterly Update - Boston Borough. Emailed to Councillors 27.10.24.
18.10.24 LALC enews Emailed to Councillors 21.10.24.
22.10.24 LALC training bulletin. Emailed to Councillors 25.10.24.
26.10.24 Wigtoft Newsletter Emailed to Councillors 27.10.24.Added to website.
29.10.24 LCC Town and Parish Council newsletter Emailed to Councillors 30.10.24
31.10.24 Update from Borough Councillor Cantwell about the large fly tip on Green Lane.
Emailed to Councillors
**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils. **LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils. **BBC is short for Boston Borough Council. ** LCC is short for Lincolnshire County Council. **FB is short for Facebook
091/24 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Leggott – the debris from the fly tipping on Burtoft Lane South has not been cleared today as agreed. The hay in the Wildlife Garden is now collected up into rows. The old hedge in the wildlife garden needs the top and sides cutting back. I could do this at an appropriate time, The Council confirmed that they are happy for him to do this.
Cllr Baxter – the footpath in front of the chicken farm has not been dealt with. A farmer has caused deep ruts moving from one field to another by the Wildlife garden. The Village sign needs refurbishing. Cllr Collingwood said that it needs taking down and shot basting. It was resolved to accept Cllr Collingwood’s offer to obtain a quote for the work needed.
Cllr Brigham – Following the full refurbishment of the Village Hall, the Committee are holding a grand re-opening event on the 16.11.24 between 10 and 12. Please come along and support us.
092/24 Borough and County Councillors reports.
Although there were none present, County Councillor Brookes sent this information to the clerk “The Highways Manager has been to look at the sided-out footpath in front of the Chicken farm and is of the opinion that it’s in an acceptable structural condition, with an acceptable width available to walk on, and no further work is planned.
He advised that the Parish Council should contact the Borough Council regarding clearing the mud on the footway which he sees as the problem”.
Borough Councillor Cantwell sent this report “Building site overgrowth has been reported and I have spoken to the Planning Enforcement Officer who will talk to the site owners. After speaking with Mike Brookes the footpath outside the Chicken Farm does need cleaning, this is a Borough responsibility, so if the Parish Council can contact me requesting this, I will raise this. Burtoft/Green Lane had a large fly tip blocking the road on the 31st of October. Within an hour of seeing this on Facebook I went and had a look for myself. I asked the Council to clean this urgently and spoke to the Deputy Chief Executive’s staff about getting cleaning expedited. This rubbish was moved so it was no longer blocking the road within 24hrs as of yesterday at 12 lunchtime Boston Council were seeing if their waste site can take in builders waste on this scale. I have had no further updates but I have asked them to keep me in the loop.
093/24 Clerk’s report
Replacement LED lamps for streetlights - chased yet again. That is twice now since ordering in July.
I called at the layby to look at the litter situation on 24.10.24. The bins were being used. There was only a small amount of rubbish left on the grass opposite one of the bins. Photo emailed to Councillors on the 30.10.24.
The land rent for £402.50 covering the period 1.11.24 to 30.4.25 was received in the bank account on the 21.10.24.
As per minute number 087/24, and following Cllr Leggott’s meeting with the contractor, the work on the trees in the playing field has been ordered.
The meeting for February has been moved to 20.1.25, the Village Hall booking has been changed and all relevant parties have been notified.
A new salt bin has been requested and it has been confirmed that one has been ordered. I have been advised that when the new bin is installed, I should request it is refilled via Fix My Street if needed.
Amber Hill and Swineshead Parish Councils have been advised that we do not want to share the use of the old Speed Indicator Device.
The interim internal audit is booked in for the 20.11.24.
Goal nets and noticeboard – due to the clerk’s workload and one week’s sickness, this has not yet been completed. It will be worked on asap.
I have sent out the notes and slides from the Parish Council Liaison meeting held on 10.10.24 attended by myself and Cllr Brigham. If you have any questions, please ask during agenda item 11.
Cllr Mills advised that a streetlight near his property has been replaced with a new LED lamp.
094/24 To review the play area inspection for undertaken by Cllr Smith and decide if any actions are needed.
Details of the inspection had not been received.
095/24 To commence the budget planning process for 25 to 26.
The clerk advised Council that she has started requesting quotes from the regular suppliers. She reminded Councillors to think carefully about any items of expenditure needed in the next financial year. The main part of the budget planning will be undertaken during the December meeting.
096/23 To agree the sites for the new passive speed notices prior to sending in the application to Join the Community Speedwatch programme. It was resolved that the existing sites could be reused. Clerk to investigate the previous application. Clerk is to find out if there are alternatives to the “ties” currently used to secure the passive speed signs.
097/24 To confirm the review of the land rent under the three year tenancy agreement.
Cllr Leggott had suggested that it would be appropriate to raise the rent to £200 per acres from 1.11.25 for 3 years. It was resolved to advise the tenant of this increase. ACTION: Clerk to send the relevant paperwork to the tenant.
098/24 To decide if the Parish Council wants to apply for more free trees through the offer from “I Dig Trees”. Email sent to Councillors 8.10.24.
The Council felt that it would be useful to have more trees/bushes, partly to replace any that have died in the Wildlife Garden and also to add to the Playing Field. ACTION: Clerk to find out what the deadline is for applications.
099/24 Cllrs Brigham and Baxter to present and discuss the clerk’s annual review and agree any recommendations.
The clerk left the room at 20.15.
The Chair and Vice Chair gave feedback regarding the Clerks Annual Review and their recommendations to the Councillors.
It was agreed by all Councillors that Ann is a very valued member of the team and that she carries out her duties as Clerk in a very professional and competent manner.
It was resolved that the clerk’s salary be increased by £1 per hour with immediate effect, the monthly payment for use of home as office and mileage rates to remain the same.
We were also made aware that due to the length of Ann's service, she would be entitled to 6 months sick leave on full pay. Due to this it was resolved that an appropriate amount would be budgeted for to take this into account.
We discussed that if Ann were to be off for any length of time for whatever reason we currently do not have anyone to cover her work. Ann agreed to contact other Clerks to see if any of them would be willing to step in and cover.
The clerk rejoined the meeting at 20.25 and feedback was given about the review.
Meeting closed at 20.30. Next meeting 2.12.24 at 7pm.