December 2019 Minutes


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Present: Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr G Wright; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Smith; Cllr B. Leggott.

Also Present: County Councillor M Brookes; Borough Councillor M Cooper

Public forum – none.

Chairman’s remarks – none.

102/19 Apologies for absence and reasons given


103/19 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


104/19 Police report

PCSO E Smyth attended. 3 reports have been received about mud on the road. If mud is seen on roads, please report to Highways. There was a theft of a gas bottle from a property on Main Road in October. The Chairman thanked PCSO Smyth for attending.

105/19 Notes from the monthly meeting held on 4.11.19 to be approved and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes. The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Chairman, Cllr PC.

106/19 Accounts for payment, budget figures and financial report.

Dec 1

Finance Report

A wireless mouse has been purchased for £11.16.

The VAT refund of £190.58 has not yet been received.

It was resolved to accept the monthly payments and updated budget figures.

ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add updated budget figures to the website.

107/19 Planning: B/19/0447, Listed Building Consent for the erection of a single storey extension following relevant demolition of existing extension at Stanhope Cottage, Main Road, Wigtoft, PE20 2NX.

Following a discussion, it was resolved that there were no comments or objections about the above planning application.

ACTION: Clerk to advise Boston Borough C0uncil.

108/19 Correspondence

1.11.19 Boston Borough Council Parish Newsletter for October e mailed to Councillors 1.11.19

5.11.19 Response from Highways following report about road surface breaking up on Green Lane. No further action. e mailed to Councillors 25.11.19

18.11.19 LALC e news w/c 18.11.19 e mailed to Councillors 19.11.19

19.11.19 Response from Highways following report about overgrown trees on Wigtoft Bank. No further action. e mailed to Councillors 19.11.19

22.11.19 Environment agency flood warning service e mailed to Councillors 25.11.19

109/19 Councillors Reports.

Cllr S Smith – overgrown hedge reported at the last meeting has now been cut.

Cllr BL – there is one road sign missing at the Green Lane junction with Burtoft Lane South and one damaged sign at the Burtoft Lane North junction with the A17, ACTION: Clerk to report to Boston Borough Council.

Cllr PC – the previously reported overgrown hedge by the playing field has been cut. The track will be dealt with during the winter months.

110/19 Clerk’s Report.

The Clerk advises Council that the Clerk’s hours are currently standing at 3.5 more than the hours claimed of 4 per week. This figure is reducing. Please note however that there are 5.8 hours holiday outstanding from last year and 16.8 for the current year. The Clerk has annual leave planned between the December meeting and the February meeting and will endeavour to use as much outstanding holiday as possible.

Notification has been received from Highways that there will be no further action taken regarding the overgrown trees on Wigtoft Bank or regarding the road breaking up on Green Lane.

The two replacement street lights have been ordered.

The jet washing of the equipment has been ordered. The clerk received a telephone call to say that due to the heavy rainfall, the jet washing has not yet been completed.

111/19 To discuss the quote of £600 for pruning trees in the playing field

Following the annual inspection of the trees in the playing field, it was resolved to accept the quote of £600 to undertake the necessary work to ensure the trees in the playing field are safe.

ACTION: Clerk to place the order for the work.

112/19 To review the November monthly play area inspection undertaken by Cllr SB

Cllr SB advised that he had undertaken the play area monthly visual inspection but had not brought it to the meeting. He reported that there were no new issues to report. He will forward the report by e mail to the Clerk.

The Clerk reminded Cllr PC that the next quarterly detailed inspection is due in December and Cllr PC agreed to complete this. ACTION: Clerk to monitor for receipt of November inspection.

The Chairman moved agenda item 17 to discuss prior to the budget planning agenda item below

113/19 To decide whether to pay for copies of planning applications or to continue with the present arrangement of Councillors viewing the plans online prior to plans being discussed at meetings.

The Clerk had received details of costs of obtaining paper copies of planning applications. It was resolved to continue with the present arrangement.

114/19 To complete the annual budget planning process

Forecast for electricity cost for street lights is £542.10. It was resolved to budget an additional £700 to replace two further old type lanterns with ECO LED lights. Councillors asked the Clerk to check the Parish Council insurance policy to ascertain if the policy would cover replacing street light columns if one were damaged by a car/lorry etc.

ACTION: Clerk to contact insurers and add the replacement street lamps to the April agenda.

The clerk currently has unpaid outstanding hours and holiday entitlement. It was resolved to pay any outstanding amount before the year end and increase the budget by £500.

The internal auditor has advised that the audit process is likely to be standardised by LALC in 2020 which will increase the cost. Councillors resolved that it is not necessary to have two internal audits per year and from 2020 an internal audit will be requested to be completed in April. It was resolved to budget £130 for the next financial year.

The clerk had only been able to obtain one quote from T A Blackamore Ltd for the grass cutting. It was suggested that the clerk ask for a quote from Aaron Appleby and SMV Contractors. It was resolved that the clerk e mail out the quotes for a decision to be made as the next meeting falls after the deadline for submission of the precept request.

It was resolved to budget £150 for general maintenance, £700 for tree work and £300 for capital expenditure. Council had previously asked the clerk to contact Wigtoft News and Views to find out the cost of printing the minutes over the year. It was resolved to budget £200 for this. The clerk had also been asked to contact the Parochial Church Council to see if there were any projects being undertaken in the next year. They are fund raising to replace the heating and also remove a tree from the churchyard. It was resolved to budget for a donation of £300 toward the expenditure. It was resolved that the total donations budget should be £560. It was resolved to join the LALC annual training scheme at a cost of £75. ACTION: Clerk to update the proposed budget with the above figures and submit the precept request in January.

115/19 To sign the tenancy agreement for the 4.6 acres of land adjacent to the A17

The tenant had already signed the tenancy agreement. The agreement was signed and dated by the Clerk on behalf of the Parish Council. ACTION: Clerk to forward copy to the tenant.

116/19 To review the internal auditor’s report

The internal audit was carried out by Victoria Clark who confirmed that all paperwork was in order. The clerk had circulated a copy to all Councillors prior to the meeting.

117/19 To discuss the Clerk’s review held earlier this evening

The Chairman and Vice Chairman had met with the Clerk. It was resolved that the Parish Council are happy with all aspects of the Clerk’s work. The hourly rate of pay and the allowance for use of home as office is to remain the same as the Clerk did not expect or want an increase. The Clerk asked if Councillors could reply to any e mails marked urgent. Councillors gave the clerk details of their preferred e mail address to use.

Meeting closed at 20:17

Next meeting is on the 3.2.20 at 19:00