May 2019 Minutes


PHONE: 07383 276892


Present: Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Baxter: Cllr G Wright; Cllr P Craven.

Also Present: Borough Councillor M Cooper;

Public Forum: None

Chairman’s Remarks: Cllr P Craven thanked the outgoing Chairman, Cllr S Collingwood for his work over the last 2 years.

011/19 Apologies for absence and reasons given

None. County Councillor M Brookes sent his apologies.

012/19 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


013/19 Police report

There was no Police presence. No report received.

014/19 Notes of the meeting held on 1.4.19 to be approved and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes. The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Chairman, Cllr PC.

015/19 Accounts for payment, budget figures and financial report.


Finance report

The invoice for the land rent and drainage rates has been sent. Payment has been received.

The precept for the first half of the financial year has been received. The invoice for the footway lighting costs has been taken off this amount and the net amount paid. The Precept amount is £4624.50 less footway lighting costs of £511.42 plus £102.28 vat giving a net credit of £4010.80.

The new Lloyds bank account is up and running and the Nat West account is now closed. The Clerk has received a debit card and has access to on line banking. All payments will now be made by internet banking when possible. A cheque which was sent to Abbey Payroll Services on the 2nd April was not banked until after the Nat West account was closed. Payment was made by internet banking on the 1st May.

It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment and the budget figures to date.

016/19 Planning applications:


017/19 Correspondence

27.3.19 E mail from Boston Borough Council containing the Parish Council Newsletter - e mailed to Councillors 6.4.19

1.4.19 E mail from Boston Borough Council about new webpage listing all Councillor’s

Declaration of Interests e mailed to Councillors 6.4.19

1.4.19 E mail from LCC Highways with various documents about current street lighting policy - e mailed to Councillors 10.4.19

16.4.19 E mail from LCC Highways advising that following feedback from Parish Councils, an extra £1M has been made available to improve highways services, including extra pothole teams, an extra cut and weed spray and highways gullies cleaned at least once a year. e mailed to Councillors 19.4.19

16.4.19 E mail containing the Rural Services bulletin. - e mailed to Councillors 19.4.19

30.4.19 As above - e mailed to Councillors 30.4.19

30.4.19 Invitation for residents and community groups to the 3rd Annual Resilient Communities conference 18.7.19 e mailed to Councillors, posted on Face Book and website, details sent to Wigtoft News and Views

30.4.19 Parish Council Newsletter from Boston Borough Council e mailed to Councillors, posted on Face Book and website 1.5.19

018/19 Councillors Reports


019/19 Clerk’s Report.

Following the order for cleaning and treating of the wooden benches in the village last month, I have not received an invoice so I am assuming the work has not been completed yet.

Planning Department have been advised that the Clerk, Cllrs Collingwood, Leggott and Wright will be attending one of the training sessions.

Following a successful audit last year, The Parish Council is qualified to certify as exempt from the requirement to submit the audit paperwork to the Government appointed auditors. The audit process still needs to be followed.

020/19 To receive the report of the Internal Auditor. To retrospectively agree the appointment and payment of £73.25 to the Internal Auditor.

The report, which contained no adverse comments, was received by the Councillors. It was resolved to agree the appointment and payment as detailed above. ACTION: Clerk to make payment.

020/19 To complete, confirm and sign Section 1 (the Annual Governance Statement) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017/18.

Section 1 was completed in conjunction with the Councillors. It was resolved to accept Section 1 as an accurate reflection of the activities of the Council. It was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.

021/19 To confirm and sign Section 2 (the Accounting Statements) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2017/18.

Section 2 had been completed by the Clerk. It was reviewed and resolved to accept the completed document. It was signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. ACTION: Clerk to publish all audit documentation in line with regulations.

022/19 To confirm that Cllr SB will complete the check of the bank reconciliation and hand over the relevant paperwork.

Cllr SB volunteered to complete the check of the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to accept his offer. The Clerk handed the relevant paperwork to Cllr SB.

023/19 To retrospectively agree a payment of £300 to take down an unsafe damaged tree in the Play Area.

Cllr SC had reported a partly fallen tree in the play area after the last meeting to the Clerk. Councillors were e mailed to obtain their agreement to carry out the work as a matter of urgency. The whole tree was considered to be unsafe and was removed. It was resolved to agree the payment of £300 for this work. ACTION: Clerk to make payment.

024/19 To review the requests from Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Boston Community Transport for a donation.

The requests were discussed. It was resolved to donate £60 to each. As these payments would take the budget over the set amount for the current financial year, Cllr SC suggested moving £100 from the Insurance budget to the donations budget as money had been saved on the premium this year. A cheque for a donation of £100 given in the previous financial year was not presented until the new financial year had started causing pressure on this year’s budget. It was resolved to move £100 as detailed above. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and adjust budget.

025/19 An update on Highways issues

The Clerk reported that the repairs to Five Bells Lane have been completed. It was resolved that the Clerk should contact the resident who reported the required repair should be contacted. The Clerk reported that the repairs to Green Lane have been completed. Cllr BL advised that it did not appear to be fully completed. It was resolved to advise Highways. Following confirmation that vegetation had been trimmed back to improve visibility when exiting Burtoft Lane South onto the A17, Cllr BL advised that visibility is still poor when driving this route by tractor. It was resolved to re-contact Highways and advise of this issue. ACTION: Clerk to contact Highways and resident.

026/19 To discuss the frequency of the Play area inspections.

It was resolved that the visual safety inspection should be carried out monthly by Councillors in rotation. Cllr SC volunteered to undertake the May inspection. It was resolved that the operational safety inspection should be carried out quarterly. Cllr PC volunteered to complete this inspection.

Borough Councillor M Cooper left the meeting at 8.30 pm.

027/19 To agree the actions required to fill the two vacancies for Parish Councillors.

It was resolved to advertise the vacancies in “Wigtoft News and Views”, on the notice board, Facebook and Website. ACTION: Clerk to advertise as above.

028/19 To discuss the tenancy agreement for the 4.6 acres of allotment land and to review the rent (carried over from last meeting).

Cllr PC did not think that it is necessary to set up a tenancy agreement. He volunteered to find out if this is correct.

ACTION: Agenda item next meeting

029/19 To discuss the purchase of any additional equipment for the Christmas Lights.

Cllr PC offered to talk to ex Councillor M. Tunnard about the equipment he previously purchased for the Christmas lights. ACTION: Agenda item next month.

030/1 To complete the questionnaire from LALC about clustering (carried forward from last meeting).

The questionnaire was completed in draft. ACTION: Clerk to complete in full and forward to LALC.

Meeting closed at 9 pm