April 2019 Minutes


PHONE: 07383 276892
EMAIL: wigtoftpc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/wigtoft


Present: Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Baxter: Cllr G Wright

Also Present: Borough Councillor M Cooper; County Councillor M Brookes; Five Villages Ward Councillor A Spencer

Public Forum: None

Chairman’s Remarks: None

193/18 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Councillor Matthew Tunnard sent his apologies and reason for absence. Councillors Peter Craven and Marion Scrupps did not attend but no apologies received. Councillor Bruce Leggott sent notification that he would be late.

It was resolved to accept the apologies and reason for absence.

194/18 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


195/18 Police report

There was no Police presence. No report received.

196/18 Notes of the meeting held on 4.3.19 to be approved and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes. The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Chairman, Cllr SC.

197/18 Accounts for payment, budget figures and financial report.

Finance report

The VAT return has been submitted and £426.31 has been received into the bank account.

The donation of £100 to the Parochial Church Council has been sent.

It was resolved to make the above payments and accept the budget figures.

Minutes 1 April 2019 Page 353 Wigtoft Parish CounciL

198/18 Planning applications:


199/18 Correspondence

28.2.19 E mail containing Boston Bulletin from Boston Borough Council. E mailed to Councillors 6.3.19

1.3.19 National Association of Local Councils Chief Executive’s Bulletin. E mailed to Councillors 6.3.19

5.3.19 E mail from South West Lincs CCG NHS re Lincs NHS Healthy Conversations 2019 public engagement exercise. E mailed to Councillors 6.3.19

12.3.19 E mail containing the Rural Bulletin. E mailed to Councillors 26.3.19

14.3.19 E mail from Rural Services Network about the call to the Government for a Rural Strategy. E mailed to Councillors 26.3.19 

19.3.19 E mail containing LALC news. E mailed to Councillors 26.3.19

200/18 Councillors Reports

Cllr GW thanked the Clerk for the work done to enable the new bank account to be opened. No other Councillor reports.

Cllr BL arrived at 19:45.

201/18 Clerk’s Report.

I have today attended a meeting on the Ethical Standards Report at Boston Borough Council. A report has recently been published by the Government Committee on Standards in Public Life. This is in connection with the Code of Conduct. There were two other agenda items: CCTV and Litter Bins. I will prepare a report for the next meeting.

Following the communications with Wigtoft Village Hall Committee and Councillors, it has been necessary to change the date and venue for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. It has been agreed that the meeting will be held on the 9th of May 2019 at Sutterton Village Hall at 7.30 pm. This change is due to Wigtoft Village Hall being unavailable. The changes have been advertised on the website, Facebook and in the next edition of the village magazine.

The cleaning and treating of the wooden benches in the village has been ordered.

Boston Borough Council has 3 meetings planned:

Parish Clerk’s liaison meeting 25.6.19 6 pm

Chair and Vice Chair meeting 29.7.19 6 pm

Parish Council liaison meeting 28.11.19 6 pm

Further information will be sent out in due course.

202/18 To discuss and agree the increase from £15 per month to £18 per month for payroll services by Abbey Payroll.

It was resolved to accept the increase to £18 per month.

203/18 To discuss the tenancy agreement for the 4.6 acres of allotment land.

The Clerk had prepared a draft tenancy agreement. A discussion was held about reviewing the rent. It was resolved to defer any decisions until the next meeting when Cllrs MT and PC are present. ACTION: Agenda item next meeting.

204/18 To conduct the annual review of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations of the Parish Council.

It was resolved that no amendments to the Standing Orders were necessary. On the advice of the Clerk, it was resolved to defer the review of the Financial Regulations until the new bank account is open and internet banking is in use as amendments will need to be made them. The Clerk reminded Councillors that it is important that they advise the Clerk in advance if they will not be able to attend a meeting in case absences cause the meeting to be inquorate. ACTION: Clerk to add to the agenda once the bank account is open and internet banking is being used.

205/18 An update on the Parish Council’s banking arrangements.

The Clerk advised Councillors that the application form for an account with Lloyds Bank has been submitted and Cllr GW has visited the Boston branch to take in ID and address verification. It is expected that the account will be open shortly.

206/18 To discuss the options of renewal of the Parish Council’s laptop virus protection and to agree a maximum spend for the renewal.

The Clerk advised Councillors that various prices for different levels of cover are available and shared these with the Councillors. She said that she felt that the present cover with McAfee works well and the company is well respected in the industry. The renewal price for a further year with McAfee is £64.99. It was resolved to renew cover for a further year with McAfee.

ACTION: Clerk to renew cover at the appropriate time.

207/18 To accept the Play Area and general Risk Management documents and to add the Play Area Inspection Reports as a separate agenda item each month.

The Clerk queried who would be undertaking the weekly visual check now that Cllr MS had decided not to stand for re-election. The Clerk advised that Cllr PC had offered to do this check on a monthly basis. It was resolved to defer this decision until Cllr PC is present. It was resolved to add the Play Area Inspection reports to the agenda.

ACTION: Agenda item for next meeting

208/18 To confirm the date (9.5.19) for the Parish Council Annual meeting to be held at Sutterton Village Hall at 7.30 pm and to agree a maximum spend of £36 for room hire charges.

It was resolved to confirm the date, time and venue and agree a maximum spend of £36 for room hire charges,

209/18 To discuss and agree the increased cost of the “Good Councillor Guide” to £3.50 per copy.

The Clerk advised Councillors that there has been an increase in the price of the Good Councillor Guide to £3.50 per copy. The total cost of 7 copies is £24.50 plus £2.72 postage. It was resolved to pay this amount.

210/18 To review the insurance requirements of the Parish Council.

The Clerk advised that comparative quotes had been sought and one response had been received today asking for further information. ACTION: agenda item for next meeting.

211/18 To discuss the purchase of any additional equipment for the Christmas Lights.

As Cllr MT was not present at the meeting, it was resolved to defer the discussion to the next meeting. ACTION: Agenda item for next meeting.

212/18 An update on Highways issues

Confirmation has been received that Green Lane will be repaired. Confirmation has been received that action has now been scheduled for the repair to Five Bell Lane. A response has been received about the query to do with the work completed at the Junction of the A17 and Burton Lane South. Highways confirm that the vegetation has been trimmed back to improve visibility.

213/18 To complete the final actions in respect of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The Security Compliance checklist was completed and signed by Cllr SB. All actions are now complete.

214/18 To decide whether to enter the Lincolnshire Best Kept Village competition 2019. E mail 12/3.

It was resolved not to enter the competition this year. Councillors felt that if Wigtoft were to be entered into the competition next year, residents should be involved. It was resolved that the Clerk should set up a poll on the Facebook page to gauge local interest. ACTION: Clerk to diarise for October meeting to discuss for 2020 and set up a poll on FB.

215/18 To decide whether to complete the “Town and Parish Council’s Clustering Questionnaire as requested by Lincs Association of Local Councils.

It was resolved to send out the questionnaire to Councillors for ideas for completion. Councillors felt there could possibly be some benefit in clustering for activities such as grass cutting and purchasing a speed monitoring device.

ACTION: Clerk to scan questionnaire and send out to Councillors.

Meeting closed at 20:17