October 2019 Minutes
PHONE: 07383 276892
EMAIL: wigtoftpc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/wigtoft
Present: Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Baxter;
Also Present: County Councillor M Brookes; Sally Smith and Sandra Brigham as new Councillors to the Parish Council.
Public forum – none.
Chairman’s remarks – The Chairman, Cllr PC, welcomed Sally Smith and Sandra Brigham to the Parish Council. The new Councillors signed their declarations of acceptance of office, declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Registration of Local Choice Interests. Sally smith and Sandra Brigham were then able to participate in the meeting as Councillors. ACTION: Clerk to forward the declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and Registration of Local Choice Interests to Boston Borough Council.
061/19 Apologies for absence and reasons given
Cllrs B Leggott and G Wright sent their apologies. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.
Borough Councillor M Cooper sent his apologies.
062/19 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
063/19 Police report
An e mail had been received from the Police about hare coursing activity in the area. The Police asked if any residents spot any hare coursing activity, could they please call 101 immediately.
064/19 Notes from the monthly meeting held on 5.8.19 to be approved and signed as minutes.
It was resolved to accept the above notes. The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Chairman, Cllr PC.
065/19 Accounts for payment, budget figures and financial report.
As there was no meeting in September, there were two payment lists to be agreed.
Finance report
Notification of the precept payment for 1.10.19 to 31.3.20 has been received. £4624.50 was expected to be received into the bank account on 1.10.19. The bank account was checked on this date and the payment had not yet been received.
The VAT return will be prepared up to the 30.9.19 and submitted before the next meeting.
The Bank Reconciliation up to 30.9.19 is due to be completed following receipt of the September bank statement. In line with the agreed procedure, a volunteer Councillor will be required to complete the quarterly check. Cllr SC volunteered to check the bank reconciliation.
It was resolved to accept the accounts for payment and the budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add updated budget figures to the website. Clerk to forward paperwork to Cllr SC for the bank reconciliation
066/19 Planning: None.
067/19 Correspondence
6.8.19 LALC weekly e-news 5.8.19 e mailed to Councillors 9.8.19
31.7.19 Parish Council Newsletter from Boston Borough Council e mailed to Councillors 9.8.19
12.8.19 LALC weekly e-news 12.8.19 e mailed to Councillors 19.8.19
17.8.19 Invitation to Neighbourhood Planning workshops e mailed to Councillors for response 19.8.19
20.8.19 LALC invite for nominations to join the County Committee e mailed to Councillors 26.8.19
21.8.19 LALC weekly e-news 19.8.19 e mailed to Councillors 21.8.19
27.8.19 LALC weekly e-news 26.8.19 e mailed to Councillors 1.9.19
31.8.19 Parish Council Newsletter from Boston Borough Council e mailed to Councillors 1.9.19
2.9.19 LALC weekly e-news 2.9.19 e mailed to Councillors 9.9.19
6.9.19 East Midlands Airport request for feedback re the Future Airspace Programme - e mailed to Councillors 9.9.19
10.9.19 LCC notification of recommendation for Highways Contractors for 2020 - e mailed to Councillors 20.9.19
13.9.19 LALC quarterly bulletin no 170. e mailed to Councillors 17.9.19
16.9.19 Invitation to Boston Community Transport’s AGM e mailed to Councillors 17.9.19
16.9.19 LALC Annual Report 18/19, paper copy. Taken to meeting 7.10.19
17.9.19 LALC weekly e-news 16.9.19 e mailed to Councillors 18.9.19
18.9.19 Boston Borough Council – consultation re Council Tax support scheme e mailed to Councillors 20.9.19
18.9.19 LCC Minerals & Waste adoption of statement of community involvement. e mailed to Councillors 20.9.19
23.9.19 LALC weekly e-news e mailed to Councillors 23.9.19
30.9.19 LALC weekly e-news e mailed to Councillors 1.10.19
30.9.19 Wigtoft News and Views October/November e mailed to Councillors 1.10.19
1.10.19 Parish Council Newsletter from Boston Borough Council e mailed to Councillors 1.10.19
068/19 Councillors Reports
Cllr PC – had received a report from a resident asking if the wildlife garden could be tidied up. Cllr PC offered to do this. Also received a report from a resident about overgrown trees on Wigtoft Bank. Clerk to report to Highways.
No other Councillor’s reports received.
069/19 Clerk’s Report.
Update on benches treatment requested 13.8.19. The Clerk was advised at that time that the work was due to be completed imminently. Further update requested 30.9.19.
The Clerk advised Council at the August meeting that hours worked by the Clerk from 1.4.19 to date are currently more than the 4 hours per week target. This is due to the heavier work load at the beginning of the financial year. There are also 5.8 hours holiday unused from last year. This excess currently stands at 11.5 hours plus the unused holiday hours from last year. A further report will be made at the November meeting.
Grass Cutting reports and quote for pressure washing the play area equipment:
It has been reported to the Clerk that the playing field grass was cut on the 4/7; 14/7; 23/7; 12/8 and 27/8.
The Clerk requested a quote for jet washing some of the play area equipment on the 14.8.19. This has not been received and was chased on 3.9.19 and 30.9.19.
The Clerk contacted Boston Borough Council regarding the original request for an additional dog bin in March 2019. A reply has been received stating that the street cleaning/bin emptying is still under review and therefore any new bins cannot be ordered.
The Clerk has requested the annual inspection of the trees in the play area/playing field.
The Clerk attended a Clerk’s Liaison meeting at Boston Borough Council on 26.9.19. Agenda items were about the new Code of Conduct, Declarations of Interest, Standing Orders – when can they be suspended and when not, Dispensation requests and recording of advice given to Council by Clerks.
070/19 To discuss the quotes received for mole control in the play area.
Two quotes had been received, one for £300 per annum and one for £450 per annum. It was resolved to clarify whether the cheaper quote was like for like with the more expensive one i.e. would the Clerk need to notify the contractors when mole activity was seen. ACTION: Clerk to obtain clarification.
071/19 To decide whether to undertake a half year internal audit
The Clerk advised Councillors that a quote had not been received. It was resolved to request an internal audit providing costs are the same as the last internal audit. ACTION: Clerk to check cost and request audit if appropriate.
072/19 To discuss the e mail received from Boston Borough Council about 2 street lights which need replacing at a cost of £350.
Following a discussion, it was resolved that the Clerk should contact Boston Borough Council to find out how many old and new type street lights there are in the village and what reduction in running costs there would be if the Parish Council were to spend £350. ACTION: Clerk to action the above.
073/19 To discuss the annual play area inspection and review the September monthly inspection undertaken by Cllr SC.
There were no areas of concern arising from the annual inspection undertaken by Wicksteed. All areas were classed as low risk. There were some advisory comments about future regular checks. The monthly check by Cllr SC did not reveal any areas of concern. The pressure washing of the play equipment and shelters is in hand. The August inspection highlighted a damaged area of perimeter fencing. Cllr PC offered to repair this as soon as he is able.
074/19 To commence the annual budget planning process
The Clerk asked Councillors to consider any areas of required spending for the next financial year in advance of the next meeting.
075/19 To commence the planning of the Annual Parish meeting
It was resolved to hold the Annual Parish meeting on the first Monday of March 2020. ACTION: Clerk to advertise the meeting and invite relevant groups and committees to the meeting.
076/19 To discuss the fact sheet received from the National Association of Local Councils about the use of personal e mail addresses and devices by Councillors (in respect of Data Protection).
The fact sheet had been sent out to Councillors. The key details were discussed and Councillors were made aware that they should not be using a shared e mail address or sharing any information contained in Parish Council e mails with anyone. They were also made aware that if they retain any Parish Council documents, they must not contain any personal data. It was resolved that there should be a quarterly agenda item reminding Councillors of the above. ACTION: Clerk to add to the agenda quarterly.
077/19 To discuss the response from the Council’s Insurers following the query at the August meeting.
The Clerk advised Councillors that the Insurers have confirmed that the policy covers up to £500.000 for Legal Liability and Legal Expenses which covers certain legal disputes and includes employment issues.
078/19 To decide if anyone is to attend the Resilient Communities Conference
It was resolved that no one would attend.
079/19 To discuss whether to enter the Best Kept Village Competition for 2020, what actions are required and whether to involve residents.
Following a discussion, it was resolved to place an item in the village magazine asking residents if they think it is a good idea and would they like to get involved with putting the application together. ACTION: Clerk to put an item in Wigtoft News and Views to ask the above questions of residents,
080/19 To set a date for the Clerk’s annual review.
It was resolved to hold the review at 18:45 prior to the December meeting. The review will be undertaken by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
Meeting closed at 20:45
Next meeting is on the 4.11.19 at 19:00.