March 2019 MInutes


PHONE: 07383 276892


Present: Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr P Craven; Cllr Matt Tunnard; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr. M. Scrupps; Cllr S Baxter

Also Present: Borough Councillor M Cooper

Public Forum: None

Chairman’s Remarks: None

176/18 Apologies for absence and reasons given Councillor Graeme Wright sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies and reason for absence. County Councillor M. Brookes also sent his apologies.

177/18 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


178/18 Police report

There was no Police presence. No report received.

179/18 Notes of the meeting held on 4.2.19 to be approved and signed as minutes.

It was resolved to accept the above notes. The notes were confirmed and signed as minutes by the Chairman, Cllr SC.

180/18 Accounts for payment, budget figures and financial report.


Finance report

The VAT return is partially completed and will be submitted on the 1st March. The return has to be submitted on line now. The budget spreadsheet for 2019/2020 has been published on the website and will be updated monthly. All other financial information will be discussed under various agenda items.

181/18 Planning applications:


182/18 Correspondence

21.2.19 E mail from LCC about the correct process to apply for a Traffic Regulation Order . E mail sent to Councillors 27.2.19. Details posted on the website for information for residents 27.2.19.

25.2.19 E mail from LCC Highways about the correct way to report Highways issues. No action required as correct process is followed by Wigtoft Parish Council.

183/18 Councillors Reports

Cllr PC reported that he has completed his weekly inspection of the Play Area and Playing Field. He reported that flower design in the floor by the big swing has a slight gap between the flower and the Wetpour. This will be monitored. The small slide looks as if it has been “bashed” by something. There are no sharp edges. The turnstile roundabout needs greasing. Cllr PC volunteered to do this. (Cllr PC handed a written record of the inspection to the Clerk for retention)

There were no other Councillor reports.

ACTION: Clerk to set up a file to retain the inspection reports.

184/18 Clerk’s Report.

Two places have been booked on the Councillor Training session on 11th June for Simon and Graeme. I have the Election Nomination Packs for distribution. Parish Clerks have been invited to a briefing on the Ethical Standards Report at Boston Borough Council. A report has recently been published by the Government Committee on Standards in Public Life. This is in connection with the Code of Conduct. I will be attending subject to the date and time of the meeting.

185/18 To decide what further actions are needed in respect of the Parish Council’s banking arrangements

The Clerk reported that there had been no progress with the Nat West in applying the new signing mandate to the account. Also, the change of address has not been applied to the account and a statement has not been received for January.

The Clerk reported that the only viable option for appointing a new bank account is with Lloyds. This account gives free banking; a cheque book; a paying in book; on line banking; telephone banking and a debit card. The application can be started on line. It was resolved that the Clerk should start the process to open a bank account with Lloyds Bank and that the Clerk and Cllrs BL, MT and GW should be the initial signatories with the signing arrangements being any two to sign on the account. Action: Clerk to start the process to open a new account with Lloyds.

186/18 To complete the play area risk management document. This is linked to the next item.

See below.

187/18 To complete the Risk Management document.

Councillors reviewed the amendments that the Clerk had made to the templates for the Risk Management document and for the Play Area Risk Assessment and decided which items were to stay and which would be removed. In line with the recommendation in the Risk Management document, it was resolved to buy a copy of “The Good Councillor Guide” for each Councillor at a cost of £2 per copy. ACTION: Clerk to amend the templates and bring to the next meeting and order the Good Councillor guides.

188/18 To confirm the date (13.5.19) for the Parish Council’s Annual Meeting and agree the dates of the meetings from May 2019 to April 2020

The Clerk advised Councillors that since the agenda was published, she has realised that she will not be available on the 13th of May. Various dates were discussed with the 8th of May being the preferred choice. It was resolved to change the date to the 8th May 2019. The Clerk had prepared a list of proposed dates for the meetings for the next year. It was resolved to accept these dates. ACTION: Clerk to change the booking for the Annual Meeting at the Village Hall. Clerk to publish the meeting dates on the website.

189/18 To review and confirm the details on the Fixed Asset Register

The Asset Register was reviewed and it was resolved to accept it as being accurate. Cllr PC offered to carry out an annual inspection of the assets.

190/18 To review the insurance requirements of the Parish Council

The Clerk advised that the current Policy renews on the 1st of June and that no major changes are needed. The Clerk also advised that there are very few companies which provide a bespoke policy for Parish Councils. It was resolved that the Clerk try and obtain 2 further comparative quotes and check if Cyber security/hacking is covered for the Parish Council records which are held on the laptop. ACTION: Clerk to research for comparative quotes.

191/18 An update on Highways issues

The Clerk reported that the required repairs to 5 Bells Lane were reported and that Highways have confirmed that on 12.2.19 a repair was ordered. The state of Green Lane has been logged and feedback on the cutting back of trees and shrubs at the A17/Burtoft Lane South has been chased. ACTION: Clerk to chase for a response regarding the A17/Burtoft Lane South.

192/18 To complete the final actions in respect of the General Data Protection Regulations

A Privacy Notice for Councillors was sent to all Councillors by e mail on the 25.1.19. All Councillors present signed a document to confirm receipt. A GDPR Security Compliance Checklist has been signed by all Councillors except Cllr SB. The Clerk confirmed all other actions are now complete. ACTION: Clerk to obtain signed Checklist from Cllr SB at the next meeting.

193/18 To decide whether to accept the quote for £310 for cleaning and treating the wooden benches in the village. To discuss the information received from Boston Borough Council regarding the purchase of an additional dog waste bin.

Councillors felt that the quote of £310 was reasonable. It was resolved to accept the quote and go ahead with the work. Boston Borough Council advised that as they are currently undertaking a street cleaning review which includes litter and dog bins, they are not accepting any orders for new bins at the moment.

ACTION: Clerk to arrange for the work on the wooden benches. Clerk to diarise and contact Boston Borough Council in two months.

194/18 To discuss the response received from LCC in respect of powering the Christmas Lights from a street lighting column for 2019.

The Councillors discussed the response. It was agreed that the cost alone made this option prohibitive. It was resolved not to take this option and to discuss again at the October meeting. ACTION: Clerk to add to the October agenda.

195/18 To decide whether to organise any activities in the village in respect of the Great British Spring Clean

It was resolved not to organise any activities due to the lateness of the communication.

196/18 To decide whether to submit an entry for the Environmental Awards Competition run by the Lindum Rotary Club and The Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust.

It was resolved not to submit an entry.

Meeting closed at 20:30