March 2021 minutes


This meeting was held by a video link conference call due to the restrictions in force in relation to the Corona virus pandemic.

Present:                 Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Baxter.

Also Present:        County Councillor M. Brookes

Public forum:       None

Chairman’s remarks:  None.



135/20  Apologies for absence and reasons given

Councillors S Collingwood and S Smith sent their apologies. Borough Councillor M Cooper sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.

136/20  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


137/20  Police Report.


138/20  Notes of the meeting held on 1st February 2020 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed as minutes and will be signed by the Chairman at the next face to face meeting. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

140/20  Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

Payments authorised 1st March 2021

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and the up to date budget figures.

Finance report – none.

141/20  Planning


142/20  Correspondence

28.1.21                  Budget consultation from Boston Borough Council                     emailed to Councillors and posted on Facebook 11.2.21

1.2.21                     LALC e-news                                                                                         emailed to Councillors 2.2.21

1.2.21                     email from BBC about appointment of new Business advisor    emailed to Councillors 2.2.21. Posted on website and Facebook.

2.2.21                     Rural Bulletin                                                                                        emailed to Councillors 2.2.21

2.2.21                     API newsletter                                                                                      emailed to Councillors 11.2.21

5.2.21                     Local Police February Newsletter                                                     emailed to Councillors 11.2.21, Posted on website and Facebook.

9.2.21                     LALC e-news 8.2.21                                                                             emailed to Councillors 11.2.21

12.2.21                  Wester Power – permission to trim back trees                             emailed to Councillors 18.2.21. Confirmed to Western Power ok to go ahead 19.2.21

16.2.21                  LALC e-news                                                                                         emailed to Councillors 19.2.21

23.2.21                  LALC e-news                                                                                         emailed to Councillors 24.2.21

22.2.21                  email from BBC about changes to recycling.                                 Emailed to Councillors 24.2.21. Posted on Facebook and website.

143/20  Councillors’ Reports.

Cllr BL - Green Lane between Leggott’s Cottage Yard and the B1397 is in a very poor state. County Councillor Mike Brookes advise that it is still part of the Highways plan to undertake some mor substantial repair to this part of the road. He will mention this again at his monthly meeting with the Highways Manager. Cllr PC mentioned that the crossing on the A17 has still not been cleared of the build up of soil. ACTION: Clerk to check the status of this work.

144/20  Clerk’s report

The new noticeboard has been installed in the playing field. I think it looks great. I have sent an email to Clarke Design and Media thanking them for an excellent job.

I have received and e mail from a resident to say that litter picking will resume in March and that the group have two new litter pickers on board. There will be a notice about this in the magazine. I will be creating a page on the website about the litter pickers and keeping it updated with their news.

A letter regarding the overgrown hedge was forwarded to Cllr SS to pass on. ACTION: Clerk to log issue with LCC,

I am advised that the noticeboard repairs are complete. The key needs to be located and handed back to Cllr SC.  ACTION: Clerk to speak to contractor and ask for key to be dropped off to Cllr SB. Cllr Brigham will clean the Perspex in the noticeboard before it is back in use.

145/20  To report on the options and cost for Cloud storage and decide which option to take.

The clerk reported that advice had been received from LALC that a cloud data storage facility data cannot be used where data is stored outside of the UK. This narrows down the available options that come within the budget and the above guidelines. The best option is PC World Knowhow Cloud storage. The cost is £40 per year but 2 years can be purchased for £60 which is withing the budget set. It was resolved to set up the PC World Knowhow Cloud storage as soon as possible. ACTION: Clerk to purchase and set up the cloud storage.


146/20  To agree the payment of £212 for the noticeboard repairs.

Cllr PC reported that the noticeboard repairs are now complete. C S Brigham volunteered to clean the Perspex. It was resolved to pay the invoice. ACTION; Clerk to make the payment and to organise the return of the key to Cllr SB.


147/20  To agree to appointing Victoria Clark to undertake the internal audit this year, subject to the price being agreed beforehand.

The clerk had received a quote for this year’s internal audit from Victoria at £50 plus travel costs which will be approximately £22.50. It was resolved to appoint Victoria to complete the internal audit at the above cost. ACTION: Clerk to liaise with Victoria to arrange a date for the internal audit to be completed.

148/20  To review the play area inspections undertaken since the last meeting.

The February inspection was completed by Cllr SC. It was resolved to obtain a quote to pressure wash the equipment. The clerk suggestion that it might be an idea to merge the 2 weekly COVID-19 checks with the monthly inspection. It was resolved to do this. Cllr SB volunteered to undertake the March inspection which will be the mor detailed quarterly check. ACTION: Clerk to amend the monthly check list and forward a blank copy to Cllr SB.

148/20  To discuss installing a memorial board for plaques in the Wildlife Garden (SB)

The above idea was discussed. It was questioned whether the area was to be a Wildlife Garden or a Memorial Garden. Cllr BL commented that it would be another structure that would need maintaining and treating. It was resolved that a memorial board would not be stalled. It was also resolved to move a bench that is rarely used from the playing field to the Wildlife Garden when it is drier underfoot.

149/20  An update about purchasing addition bins/dog bins for the village.

Suggestions were made that a dog bin near the village hall and a dual-purpose bin near the lay by would be a good idea. It was resolved to start the process to order and install a dog bin near the village hall. It was resolved not to progress the idea of a bin by the lay by yet. Cllr BL offered to monitor the situation and advice Council if the topic needs further discussion. ACTION: Clerk to contact Boston Borough Council to start the process.

County Councillor MB left the meeting at 20:08.

150/20  To discuss the next actions required to fill the Councillor vacancy.

It was resolved to take no specific actions at the moment. Councillors will continue to approach residents to establish interest in the role.

151/20  To discuss the clerk’s outstanding holiday hours and additional hours worked above the hours paid for during the current year.

The clerk advised Council that there are 15 hours outstanding unpaid plus 5 hours holiday not taken during the current financial year 1.4.20 to 31.3.21. The additional hours have accrued due to the extra time spent setting up the new website.  It was resolved to pay the clerk for the outstanding hours before the year end.



Meeting closed at 20:15

Next meeting 12.4.21 at 7.30 pm.