April 2021 minutes


This meeting was held by a video link conference call due to the restrictions in force in relation to the Corona virus pandemic.

Present:       Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Smith

Also Present:              Borough Councillor M Cooper

Public forum:              None

Chairman’s remarks:   On behalf of the Parish Council, the Chairman offered condolences to the Queen and members of the royal family on the death of Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.

149/20         Apologies for absence and reasons given

County Councillor M Brookes sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies and reason for absence.

150/20         To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


151/20         Police Report.

An email had been received from the local police advising that there was nothing to report.

152/20         Notes of the meeting held on 1st March 2021 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed as minutes and will be signed by the Chairman at the next face to face meeting. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

153/20         Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

Finance report

A net amount of £4462.21 has been received into the bank account on 1.4.21. This equates to the first half of the precept at £5105.50 less the amount of £643.29 for the street lighting costs.

The receipts and payments accounts have been ruled off as at 31.3.21 and the final budget completed. The bank reconciliation will be checked by Cllr SS. The paperwork for the annual audit has been received and the internal audit is due to take place on the 28th April.

A sealed envelope containing details of passwords used on Parish Council business will be handed to the Chairman appointed at the annual meeting in May 2021. In line with the Financial Regulations of this Council, it is only to be opened in the presence of two Councillors in emergency situations.

154/20         Planning


155/20         Correspondence

LALC e-news 2.3.21/30.3.21/23.3.21                     emailed to Councillors 8.3.21/5.4.21/23.3.21

Local Police March newsletter                                emailed to Councillors and added to website 5.4.21

Email from Cllr Cropley from Fosdyke Parish Council         emailed to Councillors 5.4.21. To be discussed at the April meeting.

Wigtoft News & Views                                                              emailed to Councillors and added to website

LALC quarterly newsletter                                                        emailed to Councillors 5.4.21

156/20         Councillors’ Reports.

Cllr Brigham:

  1. Asked for an update on the proposed new bin. The clerk advised that details of the proposed site have been sent to Boston Borough Council who will advise of the next steps once site has been agreed.
  2. Suggested the council consider organising an event such as a village fete. Agenda item for next meeting.
  3. Asked that the previously agreed move of a seat from the play area to the wildlife garden is reconsidered as it is being well used. May be an idea to keep it there but move it from under the trees. Cllr SC commented that the seat at the rear of the field could be moved but if it is concreted in, it may be difficult to move. Cllr PC suggested a site visit to find a place to move the seat to a new position so that it is not in the way of the grass mowing. He offered to do this with Cllr Brigham as soon as he is able.
  4. A resident who usually cuts the grass in the churchyard has broken his wrist. Cllrs Baxter. Smith and Brigham have cut the grass once. Cllr Brigham has been in touch with the Community Service Group to see if they can help. She asked the Council if they could think of any other work that the group could help with in the village and let the clerk know.

157/20         Clerk’s report

The clerk’s outstanding unpaid hours and holiday were finalised at 12.5 hours work and 5 hours holiday. The outstanding hours were reduced by 2.5 since they were agreed at the last meeting.

Notification received from Highways that the soil and grass on the central reservation on the A17 at the junction with Hipper Lane/Main Road will be dealt with during the summer months. The hedge near the village sign has been cut back.

The key to the notice board has been returned to Cllr Collingwood for safekeeping.

An email has been received about sowing wild flower seeds at the Wildlife garden. Cllr Craven will make contact.

The Cloud PC World Knowhow backup has been purchased and installed on the Council’s laptop and is now in use.

The first cut of the grass in the playing field/play area was done on the 2.4.21

The clerk advised Council that an email had been received earlier today from LALC offering a renewal price of £119.90 for the Zoom account. This is an increase from £87.40 last year. It was resolved not to renew. ACTION: Clerk to advise LALC

The clerk also advised Council that the laptop is running very slowly and probably just needs a tune up. It was resolved that the clerk should contact an appropriate company for assistance, maximum spend £100.ACTION: Clerk to make contact.

158/20         To agree the dates for the meetings for the next 12 months and to discuss the next steps towards recommencing face to face meetings. To discuss plans for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and the next Annual Parish Meeting.

The pre-prepared schedule of meeting dates from June 2021 to May 2022 had been sent to Councillors before the meeting. It was resolved to confirm these dates. ACTION: Clerk to post on website.

Lincs Association of Local Councils (LALC) had advised that the legislation passed last year to allow Councils to meet remotely has not been extended beyond the expiry date of 7.5.21. Council discussed the options available. It was resolved to move the May meeting date from 10.5.21 to 4.5.21 so that the meeting can be held remotely. The village hall which is the usual venue for the meetings is not open yet. This meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Council followed by the usual monthly meeting. ACTION: Clerk to post the change of date on the website and on the Facebook page.

It was resolved to hold the next Annual Parish Meeting in March 2022.

 159/20        To review the Parish Council’s policies and procedures.

The policies and procedures listed below were reviewed. It was resolved to accept these policies.

Code of Conduct; Communications Policy; Complaints Procedure; Data Protection Policy; Equal Opportunities Policy; Sickness Absence Policy; Social Media Policy; Standing Orders.

Any remaining policies and procedures will be reviewed at the May meeting. ACTION: Clerk to post the reviewed policies on the website and add the unreviewed policies to the agenda for the next meeting.


160/20         To review the quarterly play area check undertaken by Cllr Baxter and to agree on a rota for future checks.

Cllr Baxter advised Council that the inspection had been completed but he had not yet forwarded it to the clerk. He confirmed that there were no actions required at this point. Cllr Brigham volunteered to undertake the April monthly review. ACTION: Clerk to send template to Cllr Brigham. Cllr Baxter to forward completed check to clerk.


161/20         To discuss the upcoming Local Authorities Treescapes Scheme.

A letter had been received from Boston Borough Council about the above scheme asking for suggestions where trees could be planted in areas such as riverbanks, beside roads and footpaths etc. Lincs County Council are preparing a joint bid for funding for this purpose for Lincolnshire and are asking for suggestions. It was resolved that Councillors would give the matter some thought over the next week and advise the clerk of any suitable sites.




Meeting closed at 20:22

Next meeting 4.5.21 at 7.30 pm.