July 2021 Minutes



Present:       Cllr S Brigham; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Smith

Also Present:              Borough Councillor M Cooper

Public forum:              None

Chairman’s remarks:  Welcome to the first face to face meeting for 15 months.

029/21         Apologies for absence and reasons given

Cllr Baxter sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies and reason for absence.

County Councillor M Brookes sent his apologies.

030/21         To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


031/21         Police Report.      Nothing to report.

032/21         Notes of the meeting held on 4th May 2021 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

033/21         Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

Finance report

The renewal of the virus protection package was agreed at the last meeting with MacAfee at a cost of £24.99. On setting up the new package, it came to light that the offer was only for a personal, not business, package as we have at the moment. The quote to renew the existing package with AVG was £47.24. As the budget set for the renewal was £75, I have renewed at this price.

A VAT refund of £138.12 has been received.

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

034/21         Planning None

035/21         Correspondence

10.5.21         email regarding the Lincolnshire Environmental Awards 2021                                 emailed to Councillors

10.5.21         LALC enews                                                                                                           emailed to Councillors 10.5.21

15.6.21         Parish News from Boston Borough Council             emailed to Councillors 22.6.21 and posted on Facebook.

15.6.21         LALC enews                                                                                           emailed to Councillors 22.6.21

18.6.21         Boston Borough Council £20m bid to level up Town Centre      emailed to Councillors 22.6.21 and posted on Facebook

24.6.22       Letter from Lincs Police re Neighbourhood Policing      emailed to Councillors 28.6.21 and posted on Facebook.

29.6.21        LALC enews                                                                                           emailed to Councillors 29.6.21


036/21         Councillors’ Reports.

Cllr SS – residents have voiced their concerns about lorries parking on both sides of the road and noise early and late in the day from the business operating opposite the Village Hall. Councillors discussed these issues and felt that there was little that could be done about the noise. It was resolved to write to the owner of the business to ask if they would ask the drivers to park on the same side of the road if there is more than one vehicle and minimise the length of time they are parked there. ACTION: Clerk to send letter.

037/21         Clerk’s report

While completing the monthly play area check, Cllr Brigham noticed that there were one or two items in the play area that had not been jet washed properly (see photos sent out with the agenda). This has been reported to the contractor. The contractor has advised that this will be rectified. (Now complete).

The Zoom Licence has now been cancelled.

The new bin has been installed.

The PCC has sent their thanks for the donation of £300 for church funds and the donation of £100 towards the electricity costs for the Christmas lights.

Malc Firth contacted re repair of wetpour, see agenda item 17.

038/21         To present the Chairman’s report from the Internal Auditor.

The report from the Internal Auditor had been circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting. There were no issues raised and the Auditor commented that all documentation was found to be in order, very clear and well organised.

ACTION: Clerk to include report with the Audit documents on the website.

039/21         To retrospectively agree the purchase of a litter bin at a cost of £304.50 and the cleaning and treatment of the benches in the village and play area at a cost of £260.

It was resolved to retrospectively agree the above proposed expenditure. A further £100 maximum had been quoted to rub down and paint the metalwork on some of the benches. This will be the maximum cost but it could be less. It was resolved to agree to this expenditure. ACTION: Clerk to advise that work on the benches can start as soon as possible.

040/21         To discuss the June quarterly play area inspection undertaken by Cllr PC and the May monthly inspection. To review the jet washing work carried out.

No May inspection was carried out. Cllr SS volunteered to undertake the July monthly inspection. There were no major issues arising from the June quarterly inspection. There was one item pending from the April inspection undertaken by Cllr Brigham: “Handles at top of the slide move and have quite a bit of play in them”. Councillors thought that Cllr PC had offered to take a look at this. It was resolved that the clerk should ask Cllr PC and feed back to the other Councillors. ACTION: Clerk to speak to Cllr PC.

041/21         To further discuss the proposed Village event.

Cllr Brigham reported that due to time constraints, there is too much to do within the time frame. The propose date is now May 2022. She suggested a Christmas meal this year instead. It was resolved to discuss this at the next meeting. ACTION: Clerk to add to August agenda.

042/21         To discuss the maintenance of the wildflower garden and the path leading it

This area had been reported as being too overgrown. Councillors were unsure of the frequency of cutting as Cllr PC was looking after this. A possible solution was mentioned to cut a pathway through the long meadow grass. Cllr SC felt that a quote should be obtained for a contractor to do this. It was resolved that the clerk should speak to Cllr PC to establish if the grass should be cut now and, if not, obtain a quote to cut a pathway through. ACTION: Clerk to speak to Cllr PC. Agenda item next meeting.

043/21         To discuss the quote for the replacement of the wetpour in the play area at a cost of £1966.50.

Councillors felt that, due to the amount of the quote, further quotes should be obtained. The clerk is to ask for recommendations from other Parish Councils. Councillors asked the clerk to contact Mr G Wright to ask if he can recommend a company. ACTION: Clerk to obtain two further quotes.

044/21         An update on the grass cutting in the churchyard by the Community Service Group (Cllr Brigham).

Cllr Brigham told Councillors that the grass is being mowed by volunteers in the village. She is expecting to hear from the Community Service Group when restrictions lift. AGENDA: Agenda item for August meeting.

045/21         To sign all minutes and lists of payments made from April 2020 to May 2021.

As this is the first face to face meeting since March 2020, minutes and payment schedules need signing. They have been verbally agreed by resolution at each meeting which was held remotely. All minutes and payment schedules were signed.

Meeting closed at 20:23

Next meeting 2.8.21 at 7.30 pm.