May 2021 minutes


This meeting was held by a video link conference call due to the restrictions in force in relation to the Corona virus pandemic.

Present:       Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Smith

Also Present:              Borough Councillor M Cooper

Public forum:              None

Chairman’s remarks:  Cllr BL thanked Cllr PC for everything he has done as Chairman over the last two years.

009/21         Apologies for absence and reasons given

County Councillor M Brookes sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies and reason for absence.

010/21         To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


011/21         Police Report.      None.

012/21         Notes of the meeting held on 12th April 2021 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed as minutes and will be signed by the Chairman at the next face to face meeting. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

013/21         Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report

Finance report

Payment for the land rent for the period 1.5.21 to 30.10.20 and the annual drainage rates has been received from the tenant.

The bank reconciliation check has been completed by Cllr S. Smith.

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

014/21         Planning None

015/21         Correspondence

LALC e-news 20.4.21                                                 emailed to Councillors 21.4.21

Email re “Civility in Public Life” 20.4.21                 emailed to Councillors 21.4.21

016/21         Councillors’ Reports.

Cllr SS – the wild flower seeds have been sown in the wildlife garden. The grass in front of the village hall has been churned up, possibly by a lorry. Cllr BL said it might just be a one off occurrence and suggested monitoring for the time being. The sign from Wigtoft to Sutterton is bent. Cllr PC volunteered to have a look at it to see if it can be eased. He will report back once he has done this. Cllr SS will confirm next week if the village hall will be able to be used for the Parish Council’s July meeting.

017/21         Clerk’s report

The Internal Audit will now be completed during the week commencing 10.5.21

The grass in the playing field/play area was cut on the 17.4.21

While completing the monthly play area check, Cllr Brigham noticed that there were one or two items in the play area that had not been jet washed properly (see photos sent out with the agenda). This has been reported to the contractor. The contractor has advised that this will be rectified.

The Zoom Licence has now expired.

I have not received any further information from Boston Borough Council about the proposed new bin. I will chase this up.

018/21         To confirm the completion of the certificate of exemption in respect of the Annual Audit.

The clerk reported that the Parish Council fulfilled the criteria to be exempt from submitting the completed audit paperwork for a limited assurance review for the year 1.4.20 to 31.3.21. All audit forms and related processes still have to be completed. The clerk confirmed that this had been done. It was resolved to accept and sign the certificate of exemption. ACTION: Clerk to forward the certificate of exemption to the auditors by the deadline of 30.6.21 once it has been signed by the Chairman.

019/21         To complete, confirm and sign Section 1 (the Annual Governance Statement) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021.

The statement was completed, signed by the clerk and will be countersigned by the Chairman as soon as possible. It was resolved to agree the completion of the statement.

020/21         To confirm and sign Section 2 (the Accounting Statements) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021.

The statement was confirmed, signed by the clerk and will be countersigned by the Chairman as soon as possible. It was resolved to agree the completion of the statement.

021/21         To confirm the check of the bank reconciliation to 31.3.21 completed by Cllr Smith.

It was confirmed by resolution that the bank reconciliation had been completed and signed by Cllr SS as correct.

022/21         To discuss the plans for the June meeting (face to face or Zoom).

The clerk advised council that the legislation allowing remote meetings to be held has expired and the Zoom package via LALC has ended. Cllr SS confirmed that the Village Hall could accommodate the June meeting but with a maximum of 6 attendees which would not be sufficient. Enquiries to other venues received a similar response. It was resolved to cancel the June meeting. The next meeting will be on the 5.7.21 at 7.30pm in the village hall.

023/21         To consider the options for renewal of the virus protection package for the year commencing 9.6.21.

AVG, the existing provider, had provided a renewal figure of £51.02. The clerk had sourced a quote for a similar package from McAfee for £24.99. It was resolved to renew the virus protection through McAfee. ACTION: Clerk to renew on expiry of the current package.

024/21         To review the monthly play area inspection report undertaken by Cllr Brigham, to decide on actions needed and who will undertake the May monthly inspection.

The were 5 items noted which will need attention. The two seats require a refurbishment. The wetpour needs repair in two places and the small embankment slide has quite a bit of play in the handles at the top. It was resolved to get quotes for the work needed on the benches and the wetpour. Cllr SC offered to help with any tools or bolts needed for the repair to the slide. Cllr SS volunteered to complete the May monthly check and Cllr PC the June quarterly check. ACTION: Clerk to obtain quotes.

025/22         To further discuss the idea of holding a village fete (Cllr Brigham)

The Village Hall committee, the PCC, the Newsletter and the Parish Council have agreed to work together on this project. Two people from each group will meet to set a date for the event and share ideas before the next Parish Council meeting in July. Cllrs Brigham and Smith volunteered to represent the Parish Council. Cllr SC asked if the event is being held for profit or to raise enough money just to cover costs. This will be confirmed after the meeting mentioned above. ACTION: Agenda item for next time.

026/21         An update on moving the seat in the play area (Cllr Brigham).

Cllrs Brigham and Craven had met at the playing field. They reported that since the trees have been trimmed back the amount of algae on the seat has reduced. They suggested this is monitored through the monthly checks.  

027/21         An update on the grass cutting in the churchyard by the Community Service Group (Cllr Brigham).

Cllr Brigham had met with a representative from the Community Service Group. They can’t help at the moment as they are only doing really large projects but will be in touch after 21.6.21. If possible, parishes could join together to find enough work to fill a whole day. Cllr SC commented that the diverted footpath and the village square could be added to the list. Cllr Baxter asked if footpath clearing could be included but the clerk advised that this would come under the remit of the Council. ACTION: Agenda item next meeting.

028/21To discuss the request for a donation from Lincolnshire Search and Rescue.

It was resolved to make a donation of £10. ACTION: Clerk to process the donation.

Meeting closed at 20:50

Next meeting 5.7.21 at 7.30 pm.