May 2022 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting
PHONE: 07383 276892
CHAIRMAN: Cllr Bruce Leggott to chair the meeting until the new chairman is elected.
CLERK: Ann Fletcher
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend the Annual Meeting of Wigtoft Parish Council, which will be held on Monday 9th May, 2022 commencing at 19:30. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. The Annual meeting will be followed by the usual monthly meeting. The business to be dealt with at the monthly meeting is listed in the agenda.
The usual monthly meeting will commence with a 10-minute public forum during which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council (for a maximum of 3 minutes per person). Your attendance is necessary during this period.
Signature: Clerk to Wigtoft Parish Council
Date: 4.5.22
1. To elect the Chairman and the Vice Chairman for the coming year and to hand over the sealed envelope containing passwords relating to the operation of the administration of the Parish Council.
2. To arrange to receive the Acceptance of Office forms from the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
3. To review and adopt the Financial Regulations and any amendments required.
4. To review the renewal received for the insurance policy for all insurable risks and to consider other options.
5. To review the Council’s subscription to Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.
6. To review the Fixed Asset Register. To consider the advice of the Internal Auditor to conduct an annual inspection of the Fixed Assets listed in the Register.
7. To confirm regular payments from the Council’s bank account.
8. To review the Council’s bank mandate.
9. To review the Risk Management document.
10. To review the Council’s expenditure incurred under s. 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the general power of competence.