March 2023 Minutes


Present: Cllr S Smith; Cllr I Mills; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Baxter.

Also Present: Borough Councillor M Cooper.

Public forum: None.

Chairman’s remarks:  The Chairman welcomed everyone.

132/22  Apologies for absence and reasons given.

Cllr Leggott sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies. County Councillor M Brookes sent his apologies.

133/22  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  None.

134/22  Notes of the meeting held on 6.2.23 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

135/22  Financial matters: Accounts for payment for February and budget figures.


It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

  1. 136/22    Planning:  1,  application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use under schedule 2, part 3, class Q of agricultural buildings to 3 dwelling houses (use class C) and for building operations necessary for the conversion at Farm Buildings land off A17, Wigtoft.
  2. 2. Prior notification under Schedule 2, Part 11, Class B of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2016 for the demolition of wooden bungalow at Land adjacent to New Farm, Ten Acre Drove Wigtoft, PE20 2QB.

Following discussions about the above, it was resolved that there were no comments to make on either application. ACTION: Clerk to advise planning department at Boston Borough Council.

137/22  Correspondence

.2.23                     LALC weekly enews                                                         Emailed to Councillors 8.2.23.              

13.2.23                 LALC weekly enews                                                         Emailed to Councillors 13.2.23.

20.2.23                 LALC weekly enews                                                         Emailed to Councillors 21.2.23.

21.2.23                 BBC Parish Newsletter                                                    Emailed to Councillors 28.2.23.

22.2.23                 LCC Parish Council Community Newsletter                  Emailed to Councillors 28.2.23.

27.2.23                 LALC notice of AGM                                                        Emailed to Councillors 28.2.23.

27.2.23                 LALC weekly enews                                                         Emailed to Councillors 28.2.23.


**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils.

**LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.

**BBC is short for Boston Borough Council

** LCC is short for Lincolnshire County Council


138/22  Councillors’ Reports

Cllr IM – Dog fouling is still happening. Suggest we put something in the newsletter.

Cllr SC - The front of the bin in the Market Place has come off.

ACTIONS: Cllr Brigham to organise putting an item in the newsletter about dog fouling. Cllr SC to see if bin can be repaired.

139/22  Clerk’s report

The manhole cover at the junction of Main Road and Burtoft Lane has been reported via Fix My Street. It has been confirmed that remedial work has been ordered. No further updates received.


The grass has been cut in the playing field and the wildlife garden. Cllr Brigham reported that the new contractors have done a good job.


The software for the Scribe accounting package has been installed and the basic framework set up. Date will be input from 1.4.23. From this date, the old accounting spreadsheets will not be used.


The Coronation Bunting has been ordered and delivered to Cllr Brigham. The cost was £28.56 (125/22)


140/22  To confirm the annual donations agreed at the budget planning process and the payment of £166.29 for use of electricity to power the Christmas lights.

The following donations were confirmed:

PCC - £300; Newsletter - £200; Village Hall - £250.

It was resolved to pay the above donations in April 2023. It was resolved to pay £166.29 for the electricity.



141/22  To discuss the information sent by County Councillor Mike Brookes about the Councillor Volunteer Scheme 2023/2024.

Following a discussion, it was resolved to apply for help with grass cutting and weeding in the churchyard and perhaps painting some of the equipment in the play area.

ACTION: Clerk to complete and forward the questionnaire.

142/22  To review the Fixed Asset Register and discuss how an annual inspection of the assets should be undertaken and recorded (as recommended by the Internal Auditor).

The fixed asset register was reviewed and found to be correct. It was resolved to undertake an annual inspection of assets in March of each year. Assets within the playing field will be checked during the monthly inspection. Inspection of other assets will be shared by all Councillors and the clerk. The clerk will record when each inspection was carried out and by who. The results will be published on the website.

143/22  To review the Financial Regulations.

A copy of the Financial Regulations had been sent to all Councillors prior to the meeting. The clerk confirmed that she had reviewed them and proposed the following changes: Point 11.h (Contracts) – change the quotation bands to £501 – 2500 requires 3 estimates, £2501 – 24999 requires 3 quotations, £25000 and above to remain the same. It was resolved to makes the above changes. It was also resolved to renew the approval of the use of BACS or CHAPS (via online banking) for a further 2 years. ACTION: Clerk to amend the master document on the website.

144/22  To confirm the purchase of Microsoft 365 for the new laptop at a cost of £49.99 and to confirm cancellation of the Cloud storage system at expiry on 8.3.23 (renewal cost £50 for the next year).

It was resolved retrospectively to purchase Microsoft 365 for the new laptop at a cost of £49.99 and confirm cancellation of Cloud Storage.

145/22  To confirm the purchase of a new laptop at a cost of £624.16 less a cashback of £50.

It was resolved retrospectively to purchase a new laptop at a cost of £624.16 less a cashback of £50.

146/22  To receive feedback and information from the recent planning training attended by Cllr Mills

Cllr Mills shared learning points and information from the training and provided the clerk and Councillors with a hard copy. The Chairman thanked Cllr Mills for taking the time to attend the training.

147/22  To further discuss the Annual Training Scheme from LALC at a cost of £100 + vat.

This topic was discussed briefly at the last meeting. Looking at the cost for pay as you go training and how many courses are likely to be booked during the next financial year, it was resolved not to join the scheme.

148/22  To review the February play area inspection, including the inspection of the footpath in front of the chicken farm, undertaken by Cllr Brigham. To receive the play area inspection for December 22 from Cllr Baxter.  An update about the installation of a 5-bar gate at the exit of the Wildlife Garden onto the A17. To complete an action plan for items needing attention in the play area. To decide who will do the monthly inspection for this month.

The March inspection has previously been circulated to Councillors. Items needing attention were added to the action plan. Cllr Baxter did not have the December inspection paperwork to hand. The 5-bar gate has been ordered and will be fitted as soon as possible. Cllr Ian Mills volunteered to complete the monthly March inspection. The action plan was discussed and it was resolved to add the relevant items to the action plan. ACTION: Clerk to compile action plan, circulate to Councillors and add to the monthly meeting agenda until all actions completed.

149/22  An update on the planting of the free trees for the Wildlife Garden including the donation of the three oak trees.

All of the hedging plants and the 3 oak trees donated by Golden Grove Nurseries have been planted. Cllr Bruce Leggott has staked the trees. ACTION: Cllr Brigham will compose an article for the Wigtoft Newsletter and the Clerk will add a copy to the Facebook page. The clerk will also send feedback and photos to I Dig Trees who are managing the distribution of the trees for OVO Energy.  


Meeting closed at 20.15 Date of next meeting – 3rd April 2023 at 19.30.