November 2023 minutes


Present: Cllr S Baxter; Cllr S Smith; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr I Mills, Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr K Redhead. Also present Boston Borough Councillors David Brown and James Cantwell.

Chairman’s remarks – None

Public Forum – None.

63/23    To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Cllr Brigham sent her apologies. It was resolved to accept her apologies and reason for absence. County Councillor M Brookes sent his apologies.

64/23    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests

Cllrs Smith and Collingwood declared an interest agenda item 16.

65/23    Notes of the meeting held on 6.10.23 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes.

66/23    Financial matters: Accounts due for payment.

Date of Invoice

Details of Payment                                                        

Amount ex vat VAT reclaimable VAT not reclaimable
15.10.23 Pay 263.33    
15.10.23 PAYE 66.00    
15.10.23 Clerk use of home as office 30.00 18.00  
31.10.23 Payroll Services 18.00    
5.10.23 Printer Ink 8.32 1.67  
28.9.23 Grass Cuttng 265.00 53.00  
9.10.23 New xmas lights for village square 429.07 85.81  
11.10.23 Stamps 3.00    
31.10.23 Coronation Mugs for schoolchildren of Wigtoft 136.50    
29.8.23 Padlock for playing field gate 33.50 6.70  
31.10.23 Donation towards the fish and chip supper 100.00    
TOTAL   1352.72 147.18  
25.9.23 Half year precept from Boston Borough Council 6542.00    
10.10.23 6 months land rent 402.50    
TOTAL   6944.50    




It was resolved to make the payment of £136.50 for the Coronation Mugs presented to the children of Wigtoft who attend Sutterton Fairfields school. It was resolved to authorise the above payments and agree the budget figures ytd. Cllr Collingwood volunteered to undertake the bank reconciliation check up to 30.9.23.

ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website

67/23    Planning: B/23/0347, application for Lawful Development Certifcate to confirm that the existing use of the land is for storage and distribution is lawful at Land off Dance Bank, Wigtoft.

It was resolved that there were no comments or objections. ACTION: Clerk to advise Planning Department.

68/23     Correspondence received since the October Meeting.

6.10.23                 Email from BBC. Boston Parish News Sept/Oct 23                     Emailed to Councillors 7.10.23.

13.10.23               LALC enews                                                                                     Emailed to Councillors 16.10.23

16.10.23               South & East Lincs Partnership Consultation                              Emailed to Councillors. Posted on website

                                                                                                                                       and Facebook 16.10.23

18.10.23               Training schedule from LALC                                                         Emailed to Councillors 30.10.23.

25.10.23               Boston Parish News                                                                       Emailed to Councillors and posted on Facebook


27.10.23               LALC enews                                                                                     Emailed to Councillors 30.10.23.

27.10.23               Schools Admissions Policy 25/26 Consultation (specifically relates to King’s School Grantham).

                                                                                                                                       Emailed to Councillors 30.10.23

1.11.23                 Invitation to zoom meeting with representatives from Lincs Police.  Emailed to Councillors 2.11.23                                                                                                               


**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils.

**LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.

**BBC is short for Boston Borough Council

** LCC is short for Lincolnshire County Council


69/23    Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Smith - the road along Asperton Road by the farm is very muddy and there are no warning signs to motorists. Cllr Mills volunteered to check the road and take photos if necessary and forward to the clerk. Cllr Smith also advise that there was a large pothole opposite the bungalow called Ashton on Burtoft Lane. Cllr Smith agreed to take photos and send to the clerk for reporting.

Cllr Leggott -  has spoken to Highways about the culvert near the corner of Llewellyn House. He will send further information.

70/23    Clerk’s report

I have attended a half hour online training session with Scribe on 24.10.23 about Reserves.

I have attended a one-hour online training session with Scribe about Budget Planning, Forecasting and Precept setting. It was a useful refresher.

My view is that the Scribe software is worth every penny. The support offered is second to none and there are monthly zoom training sessions on a variety of subjects, which are free.

The land rent amount £402.50 for the period 1.11.23 to 30.4.24 has been received.

The new gate is still not in situ. I phoned Nathan Chapman on the 30.10.23 and he assures me that it will be in place by the end of the week commencing 30.10.23.

The Internal Audit has been booked for the 24.11.23.

The clerk’s review should have been held on the 6.11.23 at 6.30 pm but has been postponed until the 11.12.23 at 6.30 pm.

71/23    To review the play area inspection for October undertaken by Cllr Brigham.

No issues requiring attention were identified. As the annual inspection took place on the 1.11.23, there is no need for the usual November inspection to take place. The annual inspection details will be discussed at the next meeting.


72/23    Budget planning  for 1.4.24 to 31.3.25.

The proposed Budget had been partly completed  by the clerk and was discussed. The budget will be finalised at the next meeting and full details will be published .

73/23    To plan for the installation of the new Christmas Lights.

It was resolved that the new Christmas Lights will be put up on the 18th of November at 1pm.

74/23    To discuss issues raised with Borough Councillor James Cantwell from residents about the footpath near the chicken farm and tree cuttings left on the roadside verge near the council houses and in the dyke near the chicken farm.

Resident had raised these issues with Cllr Cantwell who had investigated. He confirmed to the Parish Council that everything was in hand to sort out these issues.

75/23    To discuss concerns about speeding traffic in the village (KR).

Cllr Redhead raised her concerns about speeding traffic which were: noisy lorries; lorries using road as a rat run; speeding traffic potentially putting children and wheelchair users in danger. Cllr Mills commented that the Parish Council had requested a traffic survey to be done last year and, due to the results; no action was taken. Borough Councillor Brown mentioned a chicane traffic calming system in Eye. Cllr Mills felt that it would be unlikely to be agreed in an area like this. The clerk reminded the Councillors that Swineshead Parish Council has offered their existing Speed Indicator Device to Wig=ft and Bicker Parish Councils to share. Cllr Baxter volunteered to check if the passive speed limit reminder notices were still there and report back at the next meeting. Councillors wondered why the speed limit on Asperton Road is 30mph but on Main Road it is 40mph. It was resolved to undertake the following actions: Clerk to contact Swineshead PC about the Speed Indicator Device and to research the process for setting it up; ask about having regular visits from the mobile speed camera; ACTION: Clerk to contact Lincs Road Safety Partnership and Swineshead Parish Council.

76/23    To discuss the request for a donation towards a new boiler from the Village Hall Committee.

Cllrs Collingwood and Smith left the room 20.10.

A letter had been received from the Chairperson of Wigtoft Village Hall Committee asking for a donation towards the cost of installing a new heating system. The heating system has been installed using up all reserves and the committee wish to replete the reserve monies. They are £950 short of this goal. Following a discussion it was unanimously resolved that the Parish Council will donate £950. This money will come from the Parish Council reserves and the Parish Council recognise the hard work that has gone into making this improvement happen. ACTION: Clerk to make the payment.

Cllr Smith returned at 20.14.


Meeting closed at 20:15. Next meeting 11.12.23 at 19:00. Clerk’s review at 18:30 before the meeting.