April 2020 Minutes DRAFT


PHONE: 07383 276892
EMAIL: wigtoftpc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.wigtoft.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/



This meeting was brought forward from the 6.4.20 and held by a video link conference call due to the restrictions in force in relation to the Corona virus pandemic.

Present:                 Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr G Wright; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Smith; Cllr B Leggott

Also Present:       None

Public forum:       None

Chairman’s remarks – The Chairman, Cllr P Craven, thanked Cllr Graeme Wright for chairing the last two meetings and holding the fort during his absence.

156/19  Apologies for absence and reasons given

County Councillor M Brookes and Borough Councillor M Cooper sent their apologies.

157/19  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


158/19  To retrospectively agree to holding Parish Council meetings by video link until further notice due to Government advice regarding the Coronavirus epidemic and closure of the Village Hall for meetings.

It was resolved to hold all meetings by video conference calls pending legislation giving Parish Councils specific guidance on how meetings are to be managed.

159/19  To discuss and agree any actions needed in light of Government advice to Parish Councils/employers in relation to the Coronavirus epidemic e.g. amended delegation to the clerk and making decisions by e mail.

The following resolutions were passed by Council:

It was resolved to delegate authority to the clerk (in consultation with any two other Councillors) to suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation of the Parish Council for a period of no longer than 4 months (or as circumstances dictate) with the clerk to compile a list of such suspensions and reasons which will be presented to a future meeting of the Parish Council.

It was resolved that, due to the cancellation of face to face meetings having a direct impact on the roles of Chairman and Vice Chairman which would usually be re-elected at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May, the current Chairman and Vice Chairman will remain in situ for a further year.

It was resolved that where any cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the holding of the Annual Parish Meeting, the Parish Council will hold such meetings at a later date,

It is noted that whilst the above decisions are contrary to existing legislation (as of the 30th March 2020) the Parish Council has made these decisions in order to place the safety of the public, councillors and clerk at the forefront.

It was resolved that the authorisation and signing of the payment schedules will continue to be sent out to Councillors prior to each meeting for inspection and there will be an agenda item at such meetings to obtain verbal confirmation from Councillors that all proposed payments are in order and may be made. The monthly payment summaries will be signed off at the first face to face meeting. Payments summaries will continue to be included within the minutes to ensure transparency.

It was resolved that notes from the previous meeting will be confirmed and signed off as minutes in the same way as the previous paragraph. Draft minutes will be published on the website in the usual way to ensure transparency.

It was resolved to increase the spending limit of the clerk to up to and including £1000 in agreement by e mail with either the Chairman or the Vice Chairman.

It was resolved to delegate authority to the clerk to update policy documentation. Any updates to be ratified by the Parish Council at a future meeting. Where any legislative changes are necessary, the clerk will update the relevant documentation and implement any changes.

It was resolved to keep members of the public informed of any information sent to the Parish Council in all respects, but particularly in respect of the Coronavirus Pandemic, by adding details to the website and Facebook page.

160/19  Police report - none received.

161/19  Notes of the meeting held on 2.3.20 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The notes of the above meeting were not able to be signed as minutes due to the meeting being held by video link. In accordance with the requirements of the Transparency Code, the minutes will be published on the website as draft minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. All notes will be signed as minutes at the next face to face meeting.

162/19  Financial matters: Accounts for payment for March; budget figures and financial report

Date of Invoice

Details of payment

Amount ex vat

Vat reclaimable

Overall total

How paid


Printer Ink




Debit card






Debit card






Debit card


Tree work in playing field






Jet wash in play area


























These payments were made before the end of the financial year, 31.3.20

Date of Invoice

Details of payment

Amount ex vat

Vat reclaimable

Overall total

How paid














Clerk use of home as office






Payroll services






LALC annual subs






LALC annual training scheme






Donation Wigtoft News and Views






Donation Wigtoft Church






Hire of Village Hall for meetings


























Finance report – None.

It was resolved to agree the payment schedules and the up to date budget figures. Due to the meeting being held by a video call, it was not possible to sign the payments sheet to confirm the above resolution. This action will be completed at the next fact to face meeting. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to the website.

163/19  PlanningB/20/0104. Erection of a 2-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory at Wilbur House. Sleaford Road, Wigtoft.

Councillors had reviewed the application on the planning portal of Boston Borough Council. It was resolved that there were no comments to be made. ACTION: Clerk to advise Boston Borough Council.

164/19  Correspondence received since the March 2nd 2020 meeting

LALC e news w/c 9.3.20                                                                                                      e mailed to Councillors 16.3.20

LALC e news w/c 23.3.20                                                                                                  e mailed to Councillors 25.3.20

LALC quarterly news 24.3.20                                                                                             e mailed to Councillors 25.3.20

NALC updates re Coronavirus re impact on Parish Councils                                       e mailed to Councillors as received

165/19  Councillor’s reports

Cllr PC – will e mail December play area check list to clerk. Will mow down to the Wildlife Garden when able to.

Cllr BL – The damaged Green Lane sign has been replaced. The Burtoft Lane North damaged sign has not been replaced. ACTION: Clerk to chase for update.

166/19  Clerk’s report

Appleby Services have advised that the grass in the playing field was cut on the 7th March. The play equipment jet washing has been completed. The work on the trees in the playing field has been completed.                                                                                                                   The work on the footpath between Mill Lane and Burtoft Lane North has not yet been completed. Highways have confirmed to County Councillor Mike Brookes that the work has been delayed for various reasons but will be completed as soon as possible.

167/19  To discuss and decide whether to move the existing litter bin by the post box to a more suitable location. An update on support for the voluntary litter picking group in the village and to discuss a letter received from a resident about litter in the village.  (PHOTO FROM GW & SC ON FILE)

Cllr PC suggested moving the bin to the lay by but questioned where the best place to site it would be. Cllr GW confirmed that it would be possible to move the bin. Cllr SC voiced concerns about the bin blowing away if moved to the lay by. Cllr SS asked if a resident’s land goes right up to the footpath. ACTION: Clerk to ascertain if it would be possible for the bin to be sited on the triangular strip of grass between the lay by and the footpath and to check that Boston Borough Council will empty the bin from that location.

Litter picking

Cllr GW thanked the voluntary litter picking group for their efforts and confirmed that the Parish Council will support their efforts wherever possible. The clerk advised that a response had been sent to the letter about litter in the village. The response confirmed that the clerk had sourced litter picking equipment free of charge from Boston Borough Council for the group following the Annual Parish meeting on the 2nd March. The letter mentioned that one of the volunteers had to collect the items from the Borough Council offices in Boston and asked if they could be made available in the village and stored locally, perhaps at the Village Hall. The clerk advised Councillors that Boston Borough Council will be approached in future to see if they could deliver the equipment to the village. The Village Hall Committee could be contacted about storage once the hall reopens. Regarding fly tipping of tyres on the lay by and on the field edge of the drain higher up on Clover Lane, the Clerk confirmed that she would report the fly tipping on the lay by. The tyres on the field edge of the drain would be considered to be on private property and would not be removed by Boston Borough Council. The clerk confirmed that she has been in touch with the letter writer by e mail and also with one of the other group members by telephone to update them with any actions or proposed actions and to offer to support the work of the group on behalf of the Parish Council. In relation to the provision of an additional bin at the lay by, please see minutes from the 2nd March meeting and the further discussion above. ACTION: Clerk to report the fly tipping on the lay by.

 168/19 To discuss the December quarterly play area inspection undertaken by Cllr PC and the March quarterly inspection undertaken by Cllr GW, in particular what effect the jet washing has had on the play area.

Cllr GW advised that the March quarterly inspection has not raised any issues and confirmed that the jet washing has cleaned up the equipment very well so no further action is needed. It was resolved to suspend the monthly and quarterly checks as the playing field and play area is now closed until further notice. Cllr PC confirmed he will forward the December quarterly inspection paperwork to the clerk by e mail. ACTION: Clerk to arrange for a full inspection prior to the playing field and play area being reopened.

169/19  To decide on which virus protection package to use following expiry of the existing package on the 7.6.20. 

The clerk recommended that the Parish Council continue with a package from McAfee. The cost would be £64.99 for one year or £99.99 for two years. Cllr PC proposed that option two be taken as it is good value for money. Cllr SB mentioned that her employers used a package from AVG which appears to be good value. Cllr SB offered to find out more and advise the clerk. ACTION: Clerk to add to the agenda for the next meeting.

170/19  To discuss and decide whether to purchase a maple tree and a plaque for the Wildlife Garden and to agree a maximum spend

Two quotes for a six foot Maple tree were discussed, both from local garden centres. The prices were similar at £37.99 and £35. A price for a plaque had been obtained from a website at from £25.99. It was resolved to spend a maximum of £40 for the tree and £30 for the plaque. It was also resolved to delay the purchase of these items and the planting of the tree until the lockdown due to the Corona virus pandemic is lifted. ACTION: Clerk to add to the agenda once the lockdown has been lifted.

171/19  To discuss appointing an internal auditor at an approximate cost of £100 for the internal audit of the Parish Council for 1.4.19 to 31.3.20.

Councillors considered two options provided by the Internal Auditor. It was resolved to opt for the fixed price of £100. ACTION: Clerk to advise the Internal Auditor and arrange for the audit to take place.

172/19  To decide on any repairs or replacements needed on the Christmas lights (carried forward from last meeting).

It was resolved to obtain quotes to replace the lights with LED lights before making a decision whether to repair and/or replace bulbs in the existing lights. ACTION: Clerk to obtain quotes. Agenda item next meeting.

173/19  To discuss an e mail received from a resident about grass cutting of the public footpath from the side of the village hall to the Wildlife Garden.

Cllr PC volunteered to have a look at the path and mow the path regularly for the current season, starting in late April/early May. He will also contact the resident who sent the e mail and speak to any landowners between the Wildlife Garden and the A17 to encourage accessing their land from the A17. ACTION: Clerk to advise resident and to diarise for discussion when budget planning for the 2021 season.

174/19  To discuss the request for a donation from LIVES.

It was resolved to make a donation of £30. ACTION: Clerk to make payment.

Meeting closed at

The next meeting is on the 11.5.20 at 19:30 in the format of a video conference call. Further details will be made available once new legislation has been passed by the Government.