October 2020 Minutes DRAFT


PHONE: 07383 276892
EMAIL: wigtoftpc@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.wigtoft.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/



This meeting was held by a video link conference call due to the restrictions in force in relation to the Corona virus pandemic.

Present:                 Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr G Wright; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr S Smith.

Also Present:       County Councillor M. Brookes; Borough Councillor M. Cooper.

Public forum:       None

Chairman’s remarks – The Chairman, Cllr PC, had sent a message to say he would be late. The Vice Chairman, Cllr GW, chaired the meeting.

066/20  Apologies for absence and reasons given

Cllrs S Collingwood and B Leggott sent their apologies. Cllr SC had work commitments and Cllr BL had another meeting to attend. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.

067/20  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


068/20  Police Report.

An email had been received from the local PCSO advising that there had been one reported crime of a burglary at a dwelling in Main Road on 28/9/20 which is still under investigation.

069/20  Notes of the meetings held on 3.8.20 and 21.9.20 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed as minutes and will be signed by the Chairman at the next face to face meeting.

ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

070/20  Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

Payments made in September

Date of Invoice

Details of payment

Amount ex vat

VAT not reclaimable










Clerk use of home as office




Payroll services








Printer ink































Payments made in October

Date of invoice

Details of payment

Amount ex vat

Vat not reclaimable










Clerk use of home as office




Payroll services




Plaque for Nature Garden




Printer ink




Play Area annual inspection
















Precept 1.10.20 to 31.3.21









Finance report

The precept payment of £4557.50 is due to be received into the bank account on 1.10.20

The Bank Reconciliation and VAT return will be completed in October.

It was resolved to confirm the above payments and budget figures.

ACTION: Clerk to process payments and add updated budget figures to the website.

071/20  Planning


072/20  Correspondence

Correspondence received since the August 2020 meeting

LALC Chief Executive’s bulleting 14.8.20 - emailed to Councillors 19.8.20

LALC e news 7.9.20 - emailed to Councillors 12.9.20

LALC e news 21.9.20 - emailed to Councillors 239.20

LALC Annual Report 2019-20 and AGM reminder 14.9.20 - emailed to Councillors 23.9.20

Lincolnshire Covid poster received 23.9.20 - emailed to Councillors 28.9.20 and to be added to the website.

API newsletter received 23.9.20 - emailed to Councillors 28.9.20

LALC Annual Report 2019/20 - emailed to Councillors 30.9.20

073/20  Councillor’s Reports

Cllr S Brigham and Cllr SS reported that the Zoom Councillor training meeting they took part in on the 8.9.20 was very useful but it would have been beneficial to have had the notes to read first. This would have shortened the duration of the meeting which lasted 3 hours and would make the training easier to follow. Cllr SB confirmed that she will provide feedback.

Cllr SS: The lay by opposite the Council Houses on the Sutterton Road has a bag full of cans dumped there; A resident has reported that trees/shrubs need cutting back along the A17 as they are restricting viewing when exiting Sleaford Road onto the A17. ACTION: Clerk to report.

074/20  Clerk’s report

Progress has been made on the new website (www.wigtoft.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk). Historical minutes and agendas are still to be added. The biggest issue at the moment is the spreadsheet I insert into the minutes which is in a format where the data complies with the requirements of the Transparency Code. The information contained in the minutes has to be copied and pasted onto the new website but the spreadsheet is not compatible with the new system. It is possible to delete the spreadsheet and insert a table in its place but the table only allows a maximum of 4 rows and I need 7. I have still to find a work round for this. Linking this to the work involved in transferring the historical minutes, each set of minutes will have to have this spreadsheet changed.  It also affects publishing of the budget figures.

Grass cut 8/8, 30/8, 11/9, 19/9. No invoice received since 19.7.20.

Cllr PC joined the meeting at 19.50.

075/20  To review the risk assessment and agreed actions following the reopening of the play area/playing field. To review the annual play area inspection report and agree any actions required. To decide who will complete the monthly play are inspection for October.

The risk assessment put in place prior to the reopening of the play area was reviewed. It was resolved to change the frequency of inspection of the play area from weekly to alternate weeks. It was resolved to temporarily remove the wording “if you display any symptoms, do not come to or use the play area” from the risk assessment as this is not included on the signage at the moment. Signage will be reviewed and amended as required. ACTION: Clerk to amend the risk assessment and the check list for the fortnightly inspection. Clerk to obtain quote for the recommended sign.

The annual play area inspection was reviewed. All areas were deemed to be either low risk or very low risk. There were some advisory comments about areas to check during the regular inspections and it was recommended that a sign should be erected. It was resolved that the quarterly inspection should be completed in conjunction with the next Covid inspection. Cllr S Baxter volunteered to complete both inspections and use a copy of the recent annual inspection as a guide to completing the quarterly inspection. ACTION: Clerk to amend the quarterly inspection template in line with the annual report.

076/20  To decide who is to purchase the tree for the wildlife garden and confirm a date to plant the tree and install the plaque in the wildlife garden (agreed in March 2020).

The clerk confirmed that the plaque had been delivered. Cllr PC volunteered to collect the tree from Johnsons Garden Centre. It was resolved that the tree should be planted and the plaque installed on the 17th October at 10 am in the Wildlife Garden.  ACTION: Clerk to confirm date with Mrs Virna Atkinson and order and pay for the tree, prior to collection.

077/20  To reconsider the request for wheeled cart to carry equipment for the voluntary litter picking group.

It was resolved to order the Ravendo mobile sack holder truck at a cost of £89. ACTION: Clerk to advise litter picking group and then place order.

078/20  To decide what action to take about the damaged notice board.

Cllr GW has access to an unused notice board which may be suitable. He will forward a photo to the clerk. It was resolved that the clerk should obtain some quotes for a new noticeboard. Action: Clerk to obtain quotes.

079/20  Feedback from Cllrs PC & GW from Zoom training re risk assessment 11/8 and review of the current Risk Assessment.

Cllrs PC and GW advised Council that it was useful to learn how important a risk assessment is. Cllr PC said that he felt the Council are doing what they should regarding this area. The current risk assessment was reviewed and it was resolved that no changes were necessary at this point. ACTION: Clerk to ament the risk assessment with the review date.

080/20  To start the budget planning for the financial year commencing 1.4.21.

It was resolved that all contributions listed below remain the same as 20/21 for 21/22:

Church £300; Village Hall £250; Wigtoft News and Views £250.

The clerk will obtain quotes for the grass cutting, mole control in the play area and a tree inspection in the playing field.

Cllr S Brigham felt that it would be nice to organise something like a Christmas lunch in the village for 2021.

Cllr SS suggested a fish and chip supper,

Councillors did not have any other budget items in excess of the current year.

ACTION: Further budget planning to be an agenda item for the next meeting.

081/20  To agree any comments to be submitted to Boston Borough Council about the Statement of Licensing Policy, Licensing Act 2003.

It was resolved that no comments were to be submitted.

Additional Comment

County Councillor M Brookes added that LCC are looking for volunteers to join the County Views residents’ panel which is an on-line survey and meetings to share thought and test out ideas. Cllr MB will send link to clerk. ACTION: Clerk to send to Councillors and add to FB and website.

Meeting closed at 20.45.

The next monthly meeting is on the 2.11.20 at 19:00 in the format of a video conference call.