August 2020 Minutes DRAFT


PHONE: 07383 276892



This meeting was held by a video link conference call due to the restrictions in force in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Present:                 Cllr P Craven; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr G Wright; Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Baxter.

Also Present:       County Councillor M Brookes; Borough Councillor M Cooper.

Public forum:       None

Chairman’s remarks – The Chairman, Cllr PC, thanked Cllr GW for chairing the last meeting and for completing the risk assessment to allow the playground to reopen.

049/20  Apologies for absence and reasons given

Cllr S Smith sent her apologies. She was unable to attend due to a family commitment. Cllr S Collingwood sent his apologies. He was unable to attend due to a work commitment.  It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.

050/20  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr PC declared an interest in agenda item 8, planning application B/20/0251.

051/20  Police report – none.

052/20  Notes of the meeting held on 6.7.20 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The notes of the above meeting were not able to be signed as minutes due to the meeting being held by video link. In accordance with the requirements of the Transparency Code, the minutes will be published on the website as draft minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. All notes will be signed as minutes at the next face to face meeting.

053/20  Financial matters: Accounts for payment for May; budget figures and financial report

Date of invoice Details of payment amount excluding vat vat reclaimable vat not reclaimable Overall total How paid
15.7.20 Pay 208.00       BACS
15.7.20 PAYE 52.00       BACS
15.7.20 Clerk use of home as office 20.00       BACS
31.7.20 Payroll services 18.00       BACS
19.7.20 Grass cutting 280.00       BACS
2.7.20 Printer paper 3.99       Debit card
9.7.20 Mobile phone top up 10.00       Debit card
1.6.20 Donation Air Ambulance 50.00       BACS
TOTAL   641.99     641.99  
Date Details Amount How paid




Finance report:

The donation for £50 to the Air Ambulance is on today’s payments list and will be made tomorrow.

The bank reconciliation from 1.4.20 to 30.6.20 has been completed and sent to Cllr SB for checking.

This month is the final free month for the HP Ink package.

054/20  Planning: B/20/0251, erection of a timber framed protective clothing and small tool store at Mill Farm, Wigtoft Road, Sutterton.

Cllr PC left the meeting at 19:36.

Following a discussion, there were no comments to be made on the above application. ACTION: Clerk to advise planning department at Boston Borough Council.

Cllr PC returned to the meeting at 19:38.

055/20  Correspondence received since the July 6th 2020 meeting

LALC e news 29.6.20 - emailed to Councillors 7.7.20

LALC e news 6.7.20 - emailed to Councillors 9.7.20

Email from Trading Standards about pothole/drive repair scam - emailed to Councillors 14.7.20. Posted on Facebook and website

Email from Boston Borough Council with information from Trading Standards about scam re tarmacking drives.22.7.20 - emailed to Councillors 25.7.20. posted on FB.

Update from LALC re corona virus 21.7.20 - emailed to Councillors 21.7.20

Association of Play Industries newsletter 24.7.20 - emailed to Councillors 27.7.20

Wigtoft News and Views Aug/Sept 20 - e mailed to Councillors 3.8.20

056/20  Councillor’s reports

Cllr SB – Nice to see the letter of thanks in the village magazine for the letter about the offer of help to residents. Thank you to Cllr GW for instigating and organising this.

Cllr SB – I have been across to the playing field twice to ask people not to take dogs in there. The signage does say “no dogs allowed in the play area” and the main sign says “no dogs”. Cllr PC offered to get an A4 sign made saying “no dogs allowed” to place at the entrance to make it absolutely clear.

Cllr GW – thank you to everyone who helped deliver the letters to all residents and for Cllr SC for putting up the new signs in the playing field. Congratulations to County Councillor Mike Brookes being appointed as Chairman of Lincolnshire County Council.,

057/20  Clerk’s report

The new website hosted by LCC is in the process of being set up although this will take some time. So far, I have taken 7.25 hours which includes a 2.25 hour on line training session but does not include the original training which was undertaken in March. The new website is very different to the current one and, in my opinion, not so user friendly. The training notes are not easy to understand but the on line session was very useful. The parishes websites are similar to the new LCC website and have been designed to be in line with the new accessibility requirements. I’m not convinced they considered accessibility for the Clerks when the designed the new site!

The overgrown hedge at the top of Sleaford Road was reported on 9.7.20.

The survey about the proposed new Code of Conduct was completed on line on the 9.7.20.

I emailed a request to site the bin at the lay by to Highways on the 10.7.20.

The overgrown hedge at the top of Sleaford Road has been reported to Highways and confirmation was received on 9.7.20 that work on this issue has been authorized.

058/20  To confirm the reopening of the play area/playing field and agree a rota for the weekly inspections.

It was confirmed that a full inspection of the playground and playing field had been undertaken by Cllr GW on. Advisory signs had been obtained from Boston Borough Council and erected. Cllr GW had set up a Risk Assessment prior to reopening and this had been circulated to all Councillors. The playground was reopened on the. As agreed in the Risk Assessment, Councillors will undertake a weekly inspection/observation, complete a template and advise the clerk once done. The annual inspection will be undertaken by Wicksteed as soon as possible. It was resolved to budget £80 for this. ACTION: Clerk to prepare a template and send to Councillors with a rota for the weekly inspections.

059/20  To review the Financial Regulations of the Parish Council

The clerk had reviewed the Financial Regulations prior to the meeting. She advised Council that one paragraph needed deleting as it was not applicable. It was resolved to remove the paragraph in question and accept the amended version. ACTION: Clerk to amend the document and publish on the website.

060/20  To decide when to purchase and plant the tree in the wildlife garden agreed in March 2020, likewise to purchase a plaque

It was resolved to plant the tree in October when it’s not so dry and agree a date at the October meeting. It was also resolved to decide who will go to collect the tree. It was resolved that the clerk should purchase a plaque at a maximum cost of £50 and that the clerk should contact Virna Atkinson to agree the wording on the plaque. ACTION: Agenda item for the October meeting, clerk to contact Mrs Atkinson and order the plaque.

061/20  To consider the request for a wheeled cart to carry equipment for the voluntary litter picking group

The litter picking group had contacted the clerk about the possibility of having a wheeled bin trolley to transport the full rubbish bags. They already have a trolley which has been made for them. The clerk had researched some examples but it was felt that they were not suitable. It was resolved that a platform truck would be the best option. Cllr SB volunteered to obtain a quote for this and advise the clerk. It was resolved to spend a maximum of £150 on this. ACTION: Clerk to forward details to the litter picking group for their comments and advise them that the Council would retain ownership but the group would need to find somewhere to store it.

062/20  An update to the request arising from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 2.3.20 regarding Councillors attending coffee mornings etc in the parish and to discuss having a suggestion box for the Parish Council in the Church. (Carried forward from May meeting) Resolution (“It was resolved that a rota would be set up by Cllr SS for a Councillor to attend a coffee morning at the Village Hall from October to March and at the Church from April to September. A suggestion box will be placed in the Village Hall and the Church and these boxes will be emptied prior to each Parish Council meeting. Cllr SS volunteered to empty the box in the Village Hall. ACTION: Agenda item for the August meeting.”)

Prior to the meeting taking place, Cllr SS had advised the clerk that the Village Hall will not be reopening this year so there will be no coffee mornings. ACTION: Clerk to add to December agenda.

Meeting closed at 20.15

The next meeting is on the 5.10.20 at 19:30 in the format of a video conference call.