March agenda 1.3.21

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of Wigtoft Parish Council, which will be held on Monday 1st March, 2021, commencing at 19:00. This meeting will be conducted via a video link due to exceptional circumstances. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

If any members of the public would like to join the meeting by video link or by phone, please contact the clerk either by e mail or telephone (details above). If you are telephoning, please leave a message giving your name and contact number and the clerk will call you bac

               Clerk to Wigtoft Parish Council


  1. Public Forum
  2. Chairman’s remarks.
  3. Apologies for absence and reasons given.
  4. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
  5. Police Report.
  6. Notes of the meeting held on 1.2.21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
  7. Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.
  8. Planning:  B/21/0066, Outline application including access with all other matters reserved for residential development of the site (up to 5 dwellings) at U Haul, The Old Vicarage, Main Road, Wigtoft, Boston, PE20 2NJ.    B/20/0011, Erection of 4 detached chalet bungalows at land east of Llewelyn House, Main Road, Wigtoft. PE20 2NZ.
  9. Correspondence.
  10. Councillor’s reports.
  11. Clerk’s report.
  12. To report on the options and cost for Cloud storage and decide which option to take.
  13. To agree the payment of £212 for the new noticeboard.
  14. To agree to appointing Victoria Clark to undertake the internal audit this year, subject to the price being agreed beforehand.
  15. to review the play area inspections undertaken since the last meeting, agree any actions required and to confirm who will do the March inspections. Cleaning of the equipment was held over from the last meeting until the weather improved.
  16. To discuss installing a memorial board for plaques in the Wildlife Garden (SB)
  17. An update about purchasing additional bins/dog bins for the village.
  18. To discuss the next actions required to fill the Councillor vacancy.
  19. To discuss the clerk’s outstanding holiday hours and additional hours worked above the hours paid for during the current year.