February 2022 Minutes


Present:    Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Collingwood: Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith.

Also Present: Borough Cllr M Cooper.

Public forum: None

Chairman’s remarks:  The Chairman, Cllr Leggott,  thanked Cllr Brigham for chairing the last meeting on his behalf.  

104/21   Apologies for absence and reasons given 

Cllrs Craven and Baxter sent their apologies and reasons for absence. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence. County Councillors, Mike Brookes, sent his apologies. 

105/21   To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.


106/21   Police Report.

An email had been received from PCSO Williams advising that senior management of Lincs Police have decided that monthly crime stats will no longer be provided to Parish Councils as this information is available on their website www.police.uk. It was resolved to remove the regular agenda item “Police Report” .

107/21   Notes of the meeting held on 6.12.21 to be confirmed and signed as minutes. 

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

108/21   Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

Payments for January 2022


Payments for February 22


Finance report – 

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

109/21   Planning:  none.
110/21   Correspondence 
4.1.22   LALC enews for Councils      Emailed to Councillors 8.1.22
11.1.22   LALC enews for Councils      Emailed to Councillors 18.1.22
11.1.22   Email from Local Police Team re no longer providing monthly crime figures to Parish Councils.      
Emailed to Councillors 18.1.22 and added to agenda for February 22.
18.1.22   Email from the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire re the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Emailed to Councillors 18.1.22 and added to agenda for next meeting.
19.1.22   Parish News from Boston Borough Council
               Emailed to Councillors 19.1.22.
21.1.22   Heckington Fen Solar Park Update   Emailed to Councillors 26.1.22
23.1.22   Newsletter from Local Police Team   Emailed to Councillors and posted on website 26.1.22
25.1.22   LALC enews for Councils      Emailed to Councillors 26.1.22
30.1.22   Wigtoft News and Views      Emailed to Councillors 7.2.22. Link added to website.
1.2.22   LALC enews for Councils      Emailed to Councillors 7.2.22
2.2.22   email update on consultation from Fourfields School Sutterton about    emailed to Councillors 7.2.22

111/21   Councillors’ Reports 

Cllr Brigham – thank you to those who helped at the Sausage and Mash event. £80 was raised from the raffle which will go towards future events. The bin near the church is broken. There is some fly tipping at the top of Clover Lane. The grass at the side of the path by the chicken farm needs cutting back as it is encroaching onto the path. There is also mud on the path. The street lighting from Burtoft Lane to the Council Houses is not in use. This path is used by pedestrians walking into the village. ACTION: Clerk to report the fly tipping, footpath and bin. Clerk to investigate the possibility of the Parish Council adopting the lights and having them switched back on.

Cllr Collingwood – there is a large hole, about 4 foot wide, on the road at the top of Asperton Road. ACTION: Clerk to report. 

112/21   Clerk’s report

The salt bag has been delivered by LCC Highways and is in situ.

The order for wetpour and spinning pole repair in the play area has been placed with Wicksteed. Lead time for completion is 6 to 8 weeks. 

I have not had a response about a request to undertake the tree inspection in the play area. I will chase this up.

I have not had any further communication from Highways about the possibility of parking restrictions by the village hall. I will chase this up. 

The clerk advised the Councillors that an email sent on behalf of Cllr M Brookes, Chairman of Lincs County Council, had been received inviting Councillors to a service in Lincoln Cathedral. ACTION: Clerk to forward to all Councillors with a deadline for response.

113/21   To discuss the Parish Council’s mobile phone

The clerk advised Council that the mobile phone loses its battery charge rapidly. The phone is nearly four years old. Cllr Brigham suggested quotes are sourced for a replacement. Cllr SC said he may have an unused phone that the clerk can use. ACTION: Agenda item for the next meeting.

114/21   To discuss whether to organise an event to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee

Cllr BL suggested that the Parish Council plant a tree in the Wildlife Garden. Cllr SS shared ideas such as a village picnic, bring your own food, old photos, have a big Jubilee cake. The date suggested is 5th June 2022. It was resolved to obtain a quote for the tree and donate up to £200 towards any costs in putting on the event. Agenda item for the next meeting. ACTION: Clerk to obtain quote for an Oak Tree and to check if the Parish Council has the legal powers to make this donation.

115/21   To plan the Annual Parish meeting to be held at 18.30 on the 7.3.22 

It was resolved to invite all residents of the village, the Village Hall Committee, the News and Views team, the Parochial Church Council, Trustees of the Blisbury Charity, representatives of the Litter Picking group, representatives of the Bowls Club, representatives of the Scraps group and representatives of the Gardening Club. ACTION: Clerk to send out invitations and publish the agenda on the website, Facebook page and the Notice board.

116/21   To agree the meeting dates for 2022 – 23.

The clerk had circulated a list of the proposed dates to Councillors prior to the meeting. It was resolved to agree these dates. ACTION: Clerk to publish dates on the website.

117/21   To discuss the quote received for the new roundabout for the play area, to review the January play area/playing field inspection undertaken by Cllr Brigham, to discuss the application of Wet and Forget product to the wetpour areas and to discuss the frequency of grass cutting in the Wildlife Garden.

The quote received from Wicksteed Leisure was for £6288.95. It was resolved to investigate the possibility of obtaining funding toward this. The January play area inspection was reviewed. No new areas of concern were noted. The clerk had not been able to get a quote to apply the Wet and Forget product to the moss-covered Wet Pour areas. Cllr Collingwood offered to do this. It was resolved to ask the contractors to cut the grass in the Wildlife Garden every other time the grass in the playing field is cut. It was resolved to buy the Wet and Forget product at a cost of £29.99. ACTION: Clerk to investigate funding options for the new roundabout and let the contractor know about the grass cutting schedule in the Wildlife Garden.

118/21   To discuss an email received from a resident about vehicles exceeding the speed limit through the village and a second email from a resident about the damaged village sign.

The resident had been advised that, although the Parish Council does not have any powers to deal with speed limits and speeding traffic, it is possible to liaise with the local police and Lincolnshire Highways. It was resolved that the clerk should contact the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to ask about having the traffic flow and speed monitored and also contact the local police to ascertain if they could help. The clerk advised Councillors that a further email had been received from a resident about the “Wigtoft” sign at the entrance to the village from the direction of Sutterton advising that it was damaged. It was resolved to report this via “Fix my Street”. ACTION: Clerk to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and the local police. Clerk to report damaged sign through Fix my Street. 

119/21   To confirm how the Councillors’ new email addresses are to be used

As there were only 3 Councillors present, it was resolved that this item should be carried forward to the next meeting. ACTION: Clerk to add to agenda for the March meeting. 

Meeting closed at 20.15

Next meeting 7.3.22 at 7 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting 7.3.22 at 6.30 pm.