October 22 minutes



Present: Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith; Cllr S Baxter: Cllr I Mills; Cllr S. Collingwood

Also Present: County Councillor M Brookes.

Public forum: None.

Chairman’s remarks:  The Chairman thanked everyone for attending. He shared the contents of a letter received from Cllr P Craven tendering his resignation from the Parish Council. It was resolved to accept his resignation and send a letter thanking Cllr Craven for his contribution to the Parish Council and the Parish.

065/22  Apologies for absence and reasons given:

None. Borough Councillor Mike Cooper sent his apologies.

066/22  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  None.

067/22  Notes of the meeting held on 1.8.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

068/22  Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

It was resolved to authorise the above payments which include those made in September and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

069/22  Planning:  none.

070/22  Correspondence

16.7.22                  Boston Rural Police Newsletter                                        Emailed to Councillors, posted on Facebook

                                                                                                                                                                and website 19.7.22

29.7.22                  LALC quarterly magazine                                                                    Emailed to Councillors 29.7.22

26.7.22                  LALC weekly enews                                                                             Emailed to Councillors 29.7.22

10.8.22                  LALC weekly enews                                                                             Emailed to Councillors 12.8.22

17.8.22                  NALC legal update                                                                               Emailed to Councillors 23.8.22

17.8.22                  LALC weekly enews                                                                             Emailed to Councillors 23.8.22

17.8.22                  Email from Anglian Water about proposed new reservoir         Emailed to Councillors 23.8.22

18.8.22                  Ecotricity email update about Heckington Fen Solar Park          Emailed to Councillors 23.8.22

23.8.22                  LALC weekly enews                                                                             Emailed to Councillors 30.8.22

14.9.22                  Email from Anglian Water about proposed new reservoir         Emailed to Councillors 21.9.22

20.9.22                  Email from Anglian Water about proposed new reservoir.        Emailed to Councillors. Posted on Face Book

20.9.22                  LALC weekly enews                                                                             Emailed to Councillors 27.9.22


**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils.

**LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.

071/22  Councillors’ Reports

Cllr Brigham – our current grass cutting contractor will not be operating after this season.

County Councillor M Brookes – Green Lane, a second site visit took place during September. This is an ongoing investigation. The road will be repaired. For your information, there is a website called One Network which shows roadworks and diversions.

072/22  Clerk’s report

The grass in the playing field was cut on the 20.8.22, 3.9.22 and 18.9.22.

The paths in the Wildlife Garden were cut on the 20.8.22, 3.9.22 and 18.9.22.

The Jubilee Memorial bench was delivered to the Wildlife Garden on 10.8.22.

I have been advised that the village sign has been replaced.

LCC highways advise that the tarmac area in the Market Place is not deemed sufficiently bad to need repairing at this point.  Further information has been received via County Cllr Brookes which is copied below.

“I have been to inspect the footway in Wigtoft near the old pub and found the footway to be satisfactory with no defects along it. I also don’t believe a forward planning brief is required as it wouldn’t warrant one.

We will however continue to inspect on routine inspection.”


073/22  To discuss budget planning for 2023/24. To present information about the Scribe accounting system to Council for consideration for the next financial year.

The clerk advised Council to consider budget requirements for next year as the budget planning needs to be completed at the December meeting. It was resolved that the clerk should undertake further research about the Scribe accounting system and present this at the next meeting. The clerk will obtain quotes for the required services for next year.

074/22  To discuss booking an internal audit with Victoria Clark, Internal Auditor, at a cost of £100 (interim and final audit).

It was resolved to book an interim and final audit at a cost of £100. ACTION: Clerk to book audit.

075/22  To review the August play area inspection undertaken by Cllr Mills and the September inspection undertaken by Cllr Brigham, to receive the June inspection report from Cllr Baxter and to decide who will do the October quarterly inspection. To confirm the order for the annual play area inspection at a cost of £120 unaccompanied and £165 accompanied.

The only noted areas for concern from the inspections were the grating sound made by the roundabout on turning and bird droppings on some of the equipment. It was resolved to wait to see what the annual inspection comments are about the roundabout.

Cllr SS volunteered to undertake the October quarterly inspection. It was resolved to order an annual inspection of the play area from Wicksteed Leisure at a cost of £120. ACTION: Clerk to order annual inspection.

 076/22 To discuss the information received about the Civility and Respect Pledge and to decide what actions to take.

Following a discussion, it was resolved not to progress with the pledge.

077/22  To review the state of the footpath outside the chicken farm and decide if any actions are needed.

It was resolved that no action is required at the moment. ACTION: Clerk to diarise to review at next meeting.

078/22  To discuss planning for the Fish and Chip supper. (SB)

Cllrs Brigham and Smith reported that plans are well underway. There are 10 spaces left and entertainment has been booked. They asked if the Parish Council would consider a donation of £100. It was resolved to agree to make this donation. It was also resolved to move £100 from the Audit budget line to the Donations budget line to cover this. ACTION: Clerk to send donation and amend the budget.

County Councillor M Brookes left the meeting at 20:18.

079/22  To discuss the Wildlife Garden (Cllr Brigham).

The sign advising members of the public not to undertake any work of any kind in the Wildlife Garden without permission from the Parish Council has been erected. The new bench has been well received by residents. Slabs are needed under the seats as it is getting very muddy there. Cllr BL volunteered to lay some slabs under the seats. A question was raised about ownership of the Wildlife Garden land. It was agreed that a barrier between the garden and the A17 should be considered. ACTION: Clerk to forward a copy of the asset register to Councillors and Cllr SS will review the booklet containing details of the garden and to add barrier to the November agenda.

080/22  To discuss the “Cost of living – Warm Spaces email received from Boston Borough Council.

Following a discussion, it was resolved that there are no suitable facilities in the village to join the scheme, ACTION: Clerk to advise Boston Borough Council.

081/22  To schedule the Clerk’s annual review.

It was resolved that the review should take place at 6.30 pm on the 7th November and be undertaken by Cllrs Leggott and Brigham.

Meeting closed at 20:30. Next meeting November 7th at 19:00.