August 2022 minutes


Present: Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith; Cllr S Baxter: Cllr I Mills

Also Present: Borough Councillor M Cooper. County Councillor M Brookes.

Public forum: None.

Chairman’s remarks: 

The Chairman welcomed Cllr Ian Mills to the Parish Council.

052/22  Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllr Collingwood sent his apology and reason for absence. It was resolved to accept his apology and reason for absence. Cllr PC was not in attendance.

053/22  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  None

054/22  Notes of the meeting held on 4.7.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

055/22  Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

056/22  Planning:  none.

057/22  Correspondence

14.6.22                  Enews from LALC                                                                                 emailed to Councillors.      

14.6.22                   Email from Boston BC about the consultation on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Emailed to Councillors and posted on website.

22.6.22                  Enews from LALC                                                                                 emailed to Councillors

22.7.22                  Enews from LALC                                                                                 emailed to Councillors

21.6.22                  Parish News from Boston Borough Council                                    emailed to Councillors and posted on website.


058/22  Councillors’ Reports

Cllr SS: the hedge previously reported is still overgrown. County Cllr MB advised that a job has been issued by Lincs County Council to have it cut. There are pot holes in the village square and a damaged footpath on Asperton Road. ACTION: Cllr SS to send photos to clerk. Clerk to report to Lincs Highways via “Fix my Street”.

Cllr IM: there is a path/kerb on Asperton Road overgrown with weeds. ACTION: Cllr IM to send photos and details of location to clerk. Clerk to report via “Fix my Street”. There is an issue with dog fouling towards Fishmere End. ACTION: Clerk to contact Boston Borough Council at ask if they have any signs and to mention in the Newsletter once details of the location and times are known,

County Cllr MB: Regarding the Green Lane surface refurbishment, the Highways Manager has advised that following the final survey by the Highways Engineers, it has been decided that the surface is not fit for the retread process as it won’t work. The Highways Manager will look at it to see what can be done. County Cllr MB said he was very disappointed that the scheduled work is not to be carried out.

Cllr Brigham: asked Councillors if the Parish Council is going to put on another Sausage and Mash supper. It was resolved to do this. The clerk advised that there is £37 left in the budget for this kind of spend but there are surplus funds in other lines of the budget. ACTION: Clerk to add to October agenda.

059/22  Clerk’s report

The grass in the playing field was cut on the 27.6.22; 17.7.22

The paths in the Wildlife Garden were cut on the 27.6.22

I have booked myself in on a Zoom course to learn about LALC’s new website and CRM system. The cost of £23 is within the current training budget. This course has now been completed and it is possible there will be no charge.

The Jubilee Memorial bench is due to delivered shortly. The clerk will advise Councillors when the exact date and time is known so that, if possible, two Councillors will be available to receive the bench.

The clerk advised that as of today, the village sign has still not been replaced.

060/22  To receive the July Play Area Quarterly Inspection from Cllr Brigham and to agree who will undertake the next two play area inspections. To receive the June inspection report from Cllr Baxter.

Cllr Brigham noted that the roundabout was making a grating noise when turned and that some of the fencing has holes in it. Cllr Leggott volunteered to try and lift off the roundabout to see if a repair can be done locally and also take a look at the fencing. Cllr Baxter did not have the June report to hand but will try and complete the paperwork before the next meeting. Cllr Ian M volunteered to undertake the August inspection and Cllr SS the September inspection.

ACTION: Clerk to diarise for receipt of June report.  

061/22  To discuss the reply received about the footpath from the owners of the chicken farm.

The email received from the owners of the chicken farm had been circulated to the Councillors prior to the meeting. They have agreed to monitor the trees and hedges on their boundary and to keep them trimmed back as much as is practically possible. As suggested in the email, the clerk had logged a request with Fix My Street for the grass that is encroaching onto the path to be cut back. It was resolved to work together to resolve this issue and to monitor the path until any action is required. ACTION: Clerk to monitor that the edges of the path are cut back before winter and to regularly ask for a volunteer Councillor to check for algae and moss during the wetter months.

062/22  To discuss the results of the traffic survey and to agree any actions including the request for Community Speedwatch volunteers.

The results of the traffic survey from Lincs Road Safety Partnership are now to hand. The summary of the outcome was that the results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either a fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met. The details of the survey have been shared with the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Safer Roads Team and the newly formed Roads Policing Unit to undertake enforcement when resourcing allows. Neither the Road Safety Partnership nor the Parish Council have any control over the aforementioned actions. The Parish Council had also appealed for volunteers to train to carry out speed checks. Only one volunteer registered an interest so there will be no further action on this option. ACTION: Clerk to post results of survey and explanation on Facebook and website.

063/22  To discuss the Wildlife Garden

Some unknown person has cut all of the grass in the Wildlife Garden despite there being a schedule of path cutting in that area by the contractor employed by the Parish Council. Also, the rope which had been installed at the entrance to this area had been moved and left on the floor. Cllr BL agreed to speak to a few local people to see if anyone knows who might have done it. It was resolved to create and install notices to advise that the Parish Council is responsible for the maintenance of this area and no one should undertake any work in there without the permission of the Parish Council. ACTION: Clerk to prepare notices, Cllr Baxter to laminate them and Cllr Brigham to facilitate their installation.

064/22  To discuss the Parish Council Printer

The clerk advised Council that the printer had recently been causing major problems although it appears to have settled down now. Council asked the clerk to cost up a new similar printer so that the spend can be agreed quickly should the existing printer fail. ACTION: Clerk to obtain prices for a similar printer.

Meeting closed at 20.30

Next meeting October 3rd at 7.30 pm.