May 2022 Minutes
PHONE: 07383 276892
Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Collingwood: Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith; Cllr S Baxter.
Also Present: Borough Councillor, Mike Cooper.
Public forum: None
Chairman’s remarks: None.
011/22 Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllr P Craven sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apologies and reason for absence. County Councillor, M Brookes sent his apologies.
012/22 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None
013/22 Notes of the meeting held on 4.4.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
The notes from the monthly meeting were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.
014/22 Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.
It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.
015/22 Planning: None
016/22 Correspondence
5.4.22 Enews from LALC Emailed to Councillors 9.4.22
6.4.22 Email from Parochial Church Council thanking the Parish Council for the donation of £100 toward the electricity used to power the Christmas Lights and the £300 donation towards Church Funds.
Emailed to Councillors 9.4.22
19.4.22 Enews from LALC Emailed to Councillors 26.4.22
26.4.22 Enews from LALC Emailed to Councillors 26.4.22
017/22 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr SC – Overgrown hedge previously reported has not been cut back and is now worse than ever. ACTION: Clerk to chase.
Cllr S Baxter - The village sign at the Sutterton end of the village has not been reinstated. The new email address can now be used. ACTION: Clerk to chase regarding the sign.
018/22 Clerk’s report: None.
019/22 To review and confirm acceptance of the Internal Auditors report.
No issues were raised from the report. It was resolved to accept the Internal Auditors report.
020/22 To sign the Certificate of Exemption relating to the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/2022.
The clerk confirmed that the Parish Council met the criteria to declare exemption from submitting the audit paperwork to the Government auditors. It was resolved to sign the Certificate of Exemption.
021/22 To complete, confirm and sign Section 1 (the Annual Governance Statement) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/2022.
The Council completed the Annual Governance Statement and resolved to accept it. The document was signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the clerk.
022/22 To confirm and sign Section 2 (the Accounting Statements) of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/2022.
It was resolved to accept the Accounting Statement completed by the clerk. The document was signed b y the Chairman and countersigned by the clerk.
023/22 To confirm the checking of the bank reconciliation for the year 1.4.21 to 31.3.22 by Cllr Baxter.
It was confirmed and resolved to accept the bank reconciliation.
ACTION: Clerk to publish audit paperwork on the Parish Council’s website.
024/22 To review the quotes for the renewal of the Internet Security package for the Parish Council’s laptop.
Four quotes had been sourced: Norton 360 deluxe £29.99; Bit Defender Total Security £34.99; McAfee Total Protection £34.99 or £69.99 for two years and AVG £32.88 (current provider). It was resolved to continue for a further year with AVG. ACTION: Clerk to renew with AVG.
025/22 To review the Play Area inspection for April, to agree who will do the May inspection and to discuss the quote for work on the trees.
Cllr Brigham presented the report. There was nothing untoward to report. The jet washing of the play equipment has not yet been done. ACTION; Clerk to chase. Cllr Brigham volunteered to undertake the quarterly check due in June. ACTION: Clerk to forward template. A quote for £1050 had been received to repollard a mature willow tree and to reduce the height, shape and balance 6 cherry trees on the front boundary of the playing field. It was resolved to accept the quote. ACTION: Clerk to place order.
026/22 An update on the event to celebrate the Jubilee.
Cllrs Brigham and Smith confirmed that actions from the plan are all in hand. Cllr Brigham had brought details of a bench to commemorate the Jubilee for the Wildlife Garden. A four foot would cost £160 and a five foot, £180. Wording is to be agreed. It was resolved to spend £180 on a five-foot bench, ACTION: Clerk to place order once wording agreed. Clerk also to add information to the website and Facebook page about the Jubilee event.
027/22 An update on the street light situation on Main Road, double yellow lines near the village hall and request for volunteers to run speed checks.
Information and costings to reinstate the street lights on Main Road should be available for the next meeting. County Councillor Mike Brookes had sent information about the double yellow lines following a meeting held with the Highways Manager. The Highways Manager advised that if double yellow lines were to be used then they would have to be on both sides of the road which could reduce available parking for users of the village hall. If the Parish Council were to pursue this request, photos of lorries parking in the above area and anything else relevant would be required. It was resolved to monitor the situation for the time being. The clerk advised Council that only one resident has volunteered to train to operate authorised and controlled speed checks. Clerk will run the advert in the village magazine again. The clerk also advised that the speed and traffic monitoring check has been completed but the data has not yet been sent out. ACTION: Agenda item next meeting.
028/22 An update on the mobile phone. (SC)
Cllr SC handed over a mobile phone for the clerk’s use on Parish Council business.
Meeting closed at 20:30.
Next meeting is on the 6.6.22 at 7.30 pm.