November 22 minutes


Present: Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Smith; Cllr I Mills.

Also Present: County Councillor M Brookes. Borough Councillor M Cooper.

Public forum: None.

Chairman’s remarks: None

082/22  Apologies for absence and reasons given

Councillors Collingwood, Brigham and Baxter sent their apologies and reasons for absence. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence.

083/22  To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  None.

084/22  Notes of the meeting held on 3.10.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

085/22  Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures.

Date of invoice Details of payment Amount ex vat Vat reclaimable VAT not reclaimable
15.10.22 Pay 236.00    
15.10.22 HMRC 59.00    
15.10.22 Clerk use of home as office 25.00    
31.10.22 Payroll services 18.00    
7.10.22 HP Instant Ink 8.32 1.67  
18.10.22 New Councillor training 23.00 4.60  
17.10.22 Donation towards village Fish and Chip supper costs 100.00    
13.10.22 Postage 1.05    
TOTAL   470.37 6.27  
29.9.22 Precept Boston Borough Council 5545.75    
27.10.22 Land rent 402.50    
  TOTAL 5948.25    

It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

086/22  Planning: B/22/0436, installation of a 24-panel ground mounted solar panel system at Yew Tree House, Wigtoft Bank. 

Following a discussion, it was resolved that there were no comments or objections. ACTION: Clerk to advise Boston Borough Council.

087/22  Correspondence

September            Boston Rural Police Newsletter                        Emailed to Councillors, posted on Facebook and added to website                                               

27.9.22                  LALC weekly enews                                         Emailed to Councillors 2.10.22

4.10.22                  LALC weekly enews                                         Emailed to Councillors 7.10.22                    

10.10.22                LALC weekly enews                                             Emailed to Councillors 11.10.22

12.10.22                Anglian Water consultation for proposed new reservoir in Lincs              Emailed to Councillors and link added to Facebook

17.10.22                LALC weekly enews                                             Emailed to Councillors 21.10.22

24.10.22                LALC weekly enews                                             Emailed to Councillors 30.10.22


**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils.   **LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.


088/22  Councillors’ Reports

Cllr SS mentioned the seats in the Wildlife Garden. Cllr BL advised that he has laid some slabs under the seats but feels that a different shape might be better, which he will try and source.

County Councillor MB spoke about the footpath near the chicken huts. This is noted under agenda item 16. He gave an update on the repairs to Green Lane, advising that he has asked for Head of Highways Assets to meet with Cllr BL. Cllr BL advised that he has had a phone call today.

089/22  Clerk’s report

The grass in the Playing Field and the Wildlife Garden was cut on the 8.10.22.

Cllr IM has attended the New Councillor training session hosted by LALC on Zoom.


There is no further update on the manhole cover at the junction of Main Road and Burtoft Lane.


The clerk has recently upgraded her broadband to Fibre. Unfortunately, this has caused a problem with connecting the laptop via wi-fi. The technical support team from the fibre provider have researched all solutions but, apart from connecting the laptop via a cable to the router, they believe the problem lies with the age of the laptop. Until the laptop can connect to wi-fi, it is not possible to print from the laptop. Following a discussion, it was resolved to obtain a quote for a similar specification laptop. ACTION: Clerk to obtain quotes.


090/22  To discuss budget planning for 2023/24. To further discuss information about the Scribe accounting system to Council for consideration for the next financial year.

The clerk gave the following information to help with budgeting:

Should a local election be called in 2023, the projected cost would be £2000.

A revised quote of £5283.10 has been received for replacing the roundabout in the play area, a reduction of £1340.

The quote for mole control in the playing is field for 2023 remains the same at £450.

Two quotes for grass cutting have been received. This will be discussed at the December meeting as the 3rd quote has not yet been received.

Final budget planning will be completed at the December meeting.

091/22  To discuss the Christmas Lights (BL)

It was resolved to get quotes to replace the existing lights, order a heavy-duty extension cable at a cost of £42 and get an electrician to check the existing lights and connections. ACTION: Clerk to action as above. Agenda item next meeting.

092/22 To discuss “Free Trees for Communities”

The clerk advised that this scheme is managed by TCV and supported by OVO energy. Various packs of 50 trees are available. It was resolved to order a Wildlife and Shrubs pack. The clerk was asked to check if there is an order deadline. Cllr BL volunteered to meet with Cllr SS to measure the length of the proposed hedge which the new shrubs pack will be used for. ACTION: Clerk to check re deadline and order the above pack once the measurements have been taken.

093/22  To review the October play area inspection undertaken by Cllr SS and to decide who will do the November monthly inspection. To discuss the updated quote for a new roundabout from Wicksteed Leisure. To further discuss the possibility of having a barrier at the exit of the Wildlife Garden to the A17.

The only new noted area for concern from the inspection were the handles wobbling on the small embankment slide. It was resolved to wait to see what comments are on the annual inspection. The clerk advised that a revised quote for a new roundabout has been received. The original quote received was for £6623.34 and the revised quote is £5283.10. It was resolved to discuss this further at the next meeting. Cllr IM volunteered to undertake the November inspection. Cllr IM suggested that a 5-bar gate would be ideal for the Wildlife Garden. It was resolved that the clerk is to obtain quotes for the gate and two posts.  ACTION: Clerk to obtain quotes for gate and add relevant items to the agenda for the next meeting.

094/22  To review the state of the footpath outside the chicken farm and decide if any actions are needed.

Cllr MB advised that he has discussed this with Highways to try and get it done sooner. A quote for the work has been requested. ACTION: Agenda item for the next meeting.

095/22   An update the Sausage and Mash supper.

Cllr SS reported that plans are well underway and that this topic will not need to be a future agenda item.

096/22  To discuss the Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

It was resolved to advertise the vacancy on the website, Facebook and the noticeboard in the village. ACTION: Clerk to action as above.  

097/22  To discuss the Clerk’s annual review

It was resolved to move into closed session to discuss this agenda item. The Clerk, County Councillor MB and Borough Councillor M Cooper left the meeting at 19:57

The Chairman discussed the review with the Councillors. It was agreed that the Parish Council is very happy with the clerk’s performance. It was resolved that the clerk’s monthly payment for use of home as office should be increased to £30 per month and the allowance for travel costs to 56p per mile. It was resolved to increase the hourly rate of pay in line with the National Association of Local Council’s published remuneration table for clerks. It was also resolved that the increases should paid with immediate effect.


Meeting closed at 20.10. Date of next meeting – 5th December 2022 at 19.00.