December 22 minutes
Present: Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Smith; Cllr I Mills; Cllr S Collingwood; Cllr S Brigham; Cllr S Baxter.
Also Present: County Councillor M Brookes. Borough Councillor M Cooper.
Public forum: None.
Chairman’s remarks: The Chairman welcomed everyone.
099/22 Apologies for absence and reasons given
100/22 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None.
101/22 Notes of the meeting held on 7.11.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.
102/22 Financial matters: Accounts for payment and budget figures.
Date of invoice |
Details of payment |
Amount ex vat |
Vat reclaimable |
VAT not reclaimable |
How paid |
15.11.22 |
Pay |
263.53 |
15.11.22 |
65.80 |
15.10.22 |
Clerk use of home as office |
30.00 |
9.11.22 |
Dongle for laptop |
9.99 |
5.12.22 |
Clerk travel claim |
28.00 |
30.11.22 |
Payroll services |
18.00 |
5.11.22 |
HP Instant Ink |
8.32 |
1.67 |
Debit card |
14.11.22 |
Heavy duty extension cable for Xmas lights |
35.00 |
7.00 |
Debit card |
13.11.22 |
Grass cutting in playing field and wildlife garden |
510.00 |
7.11.22 |
Mobile phone top up |
10.00 |
Debit card |
31.10.22 |
Annual play area inspection |
102.00 |
20.40 |
1080.64 |
29.07 |
None |
0.00 |
It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.
103/22 Planning: B/22/0469, outline application for residential development of one dwelling at The Old Vicarage, U Haul, Main Road, Wigtoft.
Following a discussion, it was resolved that there were no comments or objections. ACTION: Clerk to advise Boston Borough Council.
104/22 Correspondence
7.11.22 LALC weekly newsletter Emailed to Councillors 9.11.22
14.11.22 LALC weekly enews Emailed to Councillors 14.11.22
18.11.22 Civility and Respect newsletter Emailed to Councillors 22.11.22
18.11.22 Letter from Ligma Consultancy Discussed at meeting 8.12.22
21.11.22 LALC weekly enews Emailed to Councillors 21.11.22
21.11.22 Email from BBC re South & East Lincs Community Lottery Emailed to Councillors 22.11.22 and posted on Facebook.
26.11.22 Wigtoft News and Views Emailed to Councillors 29.11.22
28.11.22 LALC weekly enews Emailed to Councillors 29.11.22
**NALC is short for National Association of Local Councils.
**LALC is short for Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.
105/22 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr BL – met with the County Highways Manager on site at Green Lane. It was a positive meeting and it was confirmed that work will be done in spring.
Cllr IM – on the road towards Fishmere End there is constant dog fouling. Clerk to contact BBC for signs and advice.
Cllr Baxter – a resident reported being disturbed by lorries during very early hours outside of the opening hours of 6 am to 10 pm at the lorry repair premises on Main Road opposite the Village Hall. Clerk to contact resident and Boston Borough Council.
Cllr Brigham – a reminder about the Sausage and Mash event on Sunday 11th December 1 pm to 4 pm. Can anyone help on the day?
106/22 Clerk’s report
The grass in the playing field was cut on the 8.10.22
The paths in the Wildlife Garden were cut on the 8.10.22
The manhole cover at the junction of Main Road and Burtoft Lane has been reported via Fix My Street. It has been confirmed that remedial work has been ordered. No further updates received.
The clerk has purchased a plug in USB adaptor for the lap top at a cost of £9.99 which has resolved the issue with connecting the laptop to the Wi-Fi.
A heavy-duty extension cable has been purchased to connect the Christmas lights to the Church power supply, minute number 091/22.
Two Wildlife and Shrubs packs of “Free Trees for Communities” have been ordered for the Wildlife Garden, minute number 092/22.
107/22 To discuss replacing the Christmas Lights (BL)
The clerk shared details of the approximate cost of replacing the lights: lights £270; starter cable £20; heavy duty wire £20. It was resolved to replace the lights during the next financial year and before they are switched on in 2023. ACTION: Clerk to check the type of plug used by the lights and whether it is possible to obtain a starter cable with a longer cable. Add to 2023-4 budget.
108/22 To review the November play area inspection undertaken by Cllr IM and to review the results of the annual playing field/play area inspection by Wicksteed. To discuss the updated quote for a replacement roundabout at a cost of £5283.10. To discuss the quote for a 5-bar gate in the Wildlife Garden at the exit to the A17. To decide who will do the December and January monthly inspections.
Cllr IM reported that a lot of the surfaces of the equipment and the wet pour are dirty. These areas will be jet washed in Spring as in previous years. Following a discussion about the roundabout and referring to the annual inspection, it was resolved that it is not yet necessary to replace the roundabout. The annual inspection was reviewed. There were no major areas of concern noted. Any areas advising regular monitoring is to be added to the monthly inspection form. The clerk was asked to prepare a summary of jobs that need doing and circulate to all Councillors. Cllrs Baxter and Leggott volunteered to undertake the December and January inspections respectively. ACTION: Clerk to diarise to arrange jet washing, amend the monthly inspection form and send out list to Councillors. Agenda item next meeting.
109/22 To review the state of the footpath outside the chicken farm, update on any actions in progress and decide if any further actions are needed.
The Chairman moved this agenda item forward as County Councillor MB could not stay for the remainder of the meeting.
County Councillor MB reported that he had spoken with the Highways Engineer who says the path is passable for the 50m in front of the chicken farm. Previous correspondence about this had been circulated to Councillors. It was resolved to confirm to Highways that Council would like them to go ahead with the above-mentioned sidings work and to add the path inspection to the monthly playing field inspection. The remainder of the sidings work will have to wait until Highways next financial year. Highways have already been advised to go ahead with this course of action. ACTION: Clerk to monitor and report back at next meeting.
110/22 To complete the budget planning for 2023/24. To further discuss information about the Scribe accounting system with Council for consideration for the next financial year.
The proposed budget was discussed. Please see separate document for details. It was resolved to accept the budget figures noted on the separate sheet. ACTION: Clerk to submit precept request to Boston Borough Council before deadline in January.
111/22 To discuss the advice received from LALC about Parish Council’s secure email systems.
This topic had been discussed previously and the clerk set up email addresses for the Councillors to use which are specific to Council business. The clerk had circulated the information received from LALC prior to the meeting. It was resolved to make no further changes at this time.
112/22 To further discuss the Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor
The vacancy has been advertised. The clerk advised Council that one expression of interest has been received and an application form sent out. ACTION: Clerk to monitor for receipt.
Meeting closed at 20.35. Date of next meeting – 6th February 2023 at 19.00.