March 2022 Minutes
PHONE: 07383 276892
Present: Cllr B Leggott; Cllr S Collingwood: Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith; Cllr S Baxter.
Also Present: County Councillor, M Brookes.
Public forum: None
Chairman’s remarks: None.
120/21 Apologies for absence and reasons given
Cllr P Craven was not present. Borough Councillor M Cooper sent his apologies.
121/21 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
122/21 Notes of the meeting held on 7.2.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes.
ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.
123/21 Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.
It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures.
ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.
124/21 Planning: none.
125/21 Correspondence
4.1.22 LALC enews for Councils Emailed to Councillors 8.1.22
11.1.22 LALC enews for Councils Emailed to Councillors 18.1.22
11.1.22 Email from Local Police Team re no longer providing monthly crime figures to Parish Councils.
Emailed to Councillors 18.1.22 and added to agenda for February 22.
18.1.22 Email from the Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire re the Queens Platinum Jubilee.
Emailed to Councillors 18.1.22 and added to agenda for next meeting.
19.1.22 Parish News from Boston Borough Council
Emailed to Councillors 19.1.22.
21.1.22 Heckington Fen Solar Park Update Emailed to Councillors 26.1.22
23.1.22 Newsletter from Local Police Team Emailed to Councillors and posted on website 26.1.22
25.1.22 LALC enews for Councils Emailed to Councillors 26.1.22
30.1.22 Wigtoft News and Views Emailed to Councillors 7.2.22. Link added to website.
1.2.22 LALC enews for Councils Emailed to Councillors 7.2.22
2.2.22 email update on consultation from Fourfields School Sutterton about emailed to Councillors 7.2.22
126/21 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr SS – will the donation to the village hall be made in April? The clerk confirmed that it would.
Cllr Brigham – fly tipping in Clover Lane is still there.
ACTION: Clerk to chase.
County Councillor Mike Brookes – Green Lane is included in the programme of works for the coming year.
Highways have completed work on the side of the A17 to improve visibility when exiting onto the A17 from the Main Road.
127/21 Clerk’s report
Cllr Collingwood has repaired the litter bin near the churchyard.
The pothole at the junction of Main Road and Asperton Road has been reported.
The fly tipping on Clover Lane has been reported.
The damaged “Wigtoft” sign has been reported.
The overgrown verge on the footpath near the chicken farm has been reported.
The overgrown hedge by the footpath on Main Road near the junction with Asperton Road has been reported.
I have made contact with Boston Borough Council about the street lights between Burtoft Lane and the Council Houses. No reply received as at 2.3.22. County Cllr M Brookes advised that he has an email with information about this. He will forward this to the clerk for distribution to the Councillors. He also advised that there was a consultation about the switching off of these lights at the time and there were no objections lodged. Cllr Brigham commented that situations change and it can be relevant to review actions taken at a later date.
128/21 An update about the Parish Council mobile phone
Cllr SC is trying to source a “pay as you go” SIM where unused allowances are carried forward and do not expire monthly.
ACTION: Agenda item for the next meeting.
129/21 An update on the event to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. To review the quotes for a plaque and a tree.
The clerk had obtained a quote for a plaque similar to the one already in the Wildlife Garden for £38.33. It was resolved to order a plaque. The clerk had been unable to obtain a quote for an Oak tree. Cllr BL offered to do this. Cllr Smith and Brigham advised the Council that they have not been able to book an entertainer for the village event yet but will continue to try and do this.
ACTION: Agenda item for next meeting. Clerk to order plaque.
132/21 To discuss the quote received for the new roundabout for the play area, to discuss the application of Wet and Forget product to the wetpour areas and the quote for pressure washing the wetpour (Cllr SC). To agree who will undertake the next play area inspection. To discuss the Wet Pour repair kit which can be purchased from Soft Surfaces UK.
The clerk has not been able to source any funding towards the cost of replacing the roundabout so far but will continue to research this. Cllr SC advised the Council that he has tested the application of the Wet and Forget product and believes that it would be better to have the wetpour jet washed before he does any more. He had asked the clerk to obtain a quote which was confirmed at £260. The clerk advised that the cost of jet washing the play equipment and wetpour last year was £250. It was resolved that the clerk is to check if the price includes jet washing the play equipment as well. For future repairs to the wet pour, the clerk presented information about a Wet Pour repair kit which can be purchased online and will retain this information in case of need. Cllr SS volunteered to undertake the March playground visual inspection.
ACTION: Clerk to query quote, place order for maximum amount of £260 and continue to research funding support for the replacement roundabout.
133/21 To discuss further emails received from a resident since the last meeting about vehicles exceeding the speed limit through the village.
The clerk had sent details of the emails received about speeding traffic in the village to the Councillors. It was resolved to wait for the traffic survey results before deciding on any further action. ACTION: Clerk to advise resident. County Cllr, M Brookes advised Council that Sutterton may have some speed monitoring equipment that is not being used. ACTION: Clerk to contact Sutterton Parish Council. Information about the Community Speedwatch scheme was shared with Councillors which would enable trained volunteers to undertake speed checks in a controlled and authorized manner. Cllr SC commented that as there is a cost to joining this scheme, it would be useful to find out if there are residents who would volunteer to take part before registering. ACTION Clerk to ask if a notice could go into the Village News.
134/21 To confirm how the Councillors’ new email addresses are to be used
Councillors agreed that for the time being it would be easier for them to use their existing emails addresses but would review this in the future. Cllr Baxter agreed to use the new email address for Parish Council correspondence. ACTION: Agenda item in six months’ time.
135/21 To discuss the information received about the Great British Spring Clean.
It was resolved that the clerk should sent the information to the Litter Picking group to ask if they would be interested in getting involved with this event. ACTION: Clerk to forward information.
Meeting closed at 19.55
Next meeting 4.4.22 at 7.30 pm.