June 2022 minutes




Present:       Cllr S Collingwood: Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith; Cllr S Baxter; Cllr P Craven.

Also Present: County Councillor, M Brookes; Borough Councillor M Cooper.

Public forum: One member of the public present.

Chairman’s remarks:  None. The meeting was chaired by Cllr Brigham

120/21         Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllr BL sent his apologies. It was resolved to accept his apology and reason for absence.

029/22         To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011:  None

030/22         Notes of the meetings held on 9.5.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.

The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.

031/22         Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.


It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.

032/22         Planning:  none.

033/22         Correspondence

20.5.22                  Parish News from BBC                                                                        emailed to Councillors. Posted on website.

27.5.22                  Wigtoft News and Views June/July 22                                            emailed to Councillors, Posted on website.

24.5.22                  Enews from LALC 24.5.22                                                                  emailed to Councillors.      

31.5.22                  Heckington Fen Solar Park consultation                                          emailed to Councillors       

1.6.22                     Enews from LALC                                                                                 emailed to Councillors


034/22         Councillors’ Reports

Cllr SS – the overgrown hedge which was reported previously has still not been cut back ACTION: Clerk to chase.

Cllr Brigham – the Church are still looking for a treasurer.

Cllr Baxter - Thank you to Cllrs Brigham and Smith for organising the Jubilee Party.

County Councillor M Brookes – a reminder that individuals can still register with LCC to be included in County Views Citizen’s Panel to have your say.  


035/22         Clerk’s report

The Virus protection package has been renewed with AVG at a cost of £32.88 + vat.

The Insurance Policy has been renewed.

The work on the trees in the playing field has been completed.

I have reminded the contractor that notification of each grass cut needs to be sent to me.

If you are ordering items on behalf of the Parish Council, could you ensure that the Parish Council details are on the invoice. The mailing address can still be your own.

Reminder – to clarify S137 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the general power of competence, there is an annual limit set by the government which is multiplied by our number of electors. This is the amount which can be spent under s137 but this is not linked directly to our budget. The budget set by the Parish Council each year is the maximum amount the Parish Council has agreed to spend under each reporting line and is the amount which should be considered when deciding to spend. Money above the budgeted amount can be agreed to be spent provided that funds are available and do not exceed the maximum amount under s137 where appropriate.


036/22         To receive the May 22 Play Area Inspection from Cllr Brigham and to agree who will undertake the next play area inspection.

Cllr Brigham advised that there were no areas of concern. The jet washing of the equipment and the Wet Pour surfaces has still not been done. ACTION: Clerk to chase. Cllr Baxter volunteered to undertake the June inspection.

037/22         To further discuss the possibility of reinstating the street lights on Main Road, following receipt of the options available from LCC Highways.

Following a long discussion about all options available, it was resolved not to take any further action. It was mentioned that one of the issues was that parts of the footpath by the chicken farm are prone to algae growth caused by the close proximity of the trees which makes the path slippery during wet weather. It was resolved to contact the owners to try and work together to find a solution. ACTION: Clerk to make contact.

038/22         To confirm the agreement to purchase an oak tree for the Wildlife Garden to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee. To decide on the wording to be placed on a new bench for the Wildlife Garden.

No discussion was held about the oak tree and Cllr BL was not present and he had volunteered to purchase the oak tree. ACTION: Agenda item for next meeting. It was resolved to add the following wording to the new bench and place the order. “Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee 2022. ACTION: Clerk to place the order. Cllr SS mentioned that someone has cut the whole of the grass in the Wildlife Garden. It was resolved to check with the contractor that he is only cutting the designated paths as agreed. ACTION: Clerk to check.  A discussion followed about ways to prevent vehicles entering the site. It was resolved that Cllr PC is to erect a rope barrier at one end and Cllr SS to investigate the possibility of having large logs at the other end.

Meeting closed at 20.25

Next meeting 4th July at 7.30 pm.