July 2022 Minutes
Present: Cllr S Collingwood: Cllr S Brigham: Cllr S Smith;
Also Present: Borough Councillor M Cooper.
Public forum: None.
039/22 Acceptance of office form to be signed by Mr Ian Mills to confirm his joining the Council.
The form was signed by Mr Mills in the presence of the Council and countersigned by the clerk.
Chairman’s remarks:
The meeting was chaired by Cllr Brigham. Cllr Brigham welcomed Mr Ian Mills to the Parish Council.
040/22 Apologies for absence and reasons given: Cllrs BL, PC and S Baxter sent their apologies. It was resolved to accept their apologies and reasons for absence. County Councillor, M Brookes, sent his apology.
041/22 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011: None
042/22 Notes of the meetings held on 9.6.22 to be confirmed and signed as minutes.
The above notes were agreed and signed as minutes. It was resolved to accept the notes as minutes. ACTION: Clerk to post minutes on website.
043/22 Financial matters: Accounts for payment; budget figures and financial report.
It was resolved to authorise the above payments and budget figures. ACTION: Clerk to make payments and add budget to website.
044/22 Planning: none.
045/22 Correspondence
14.6.22 Enews from LALC emailed to Councillors.
14.6.22 Email from Boston BC about the consultation on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). Emailed to Councillors and posted on website.
22.6.22 Enews from LALC emailed to Councillors
22.7.22 Enews from LALC emailed to Councillors
21.6.22 Parish News from Boston Borough Council emailed to Councillors and posted on website.
046/22 Councillors’ Reports
Cllr SS – the overgrown hedge now has a notice attached. The village sign has not been replaced yet (See clerk’s notes. The clerk advised the owner of the hedge has until 8.7.22 to cut it back then further action will be taken. Lincs County Council advise that the replacement sign has been ordered.
Cllr SC – the jet washing has been done. As the equipment and wetpour was so dirty, it took the contractor a long time to complete the job. The Wet and Forget product will be applied in the autumn.
047/22 Clerk’s report
The grass in the playing field was cut on the 26.5.22; 7.6.22; 15.6.22; 24.6.22.
The paths in the Wildlife Garden were cut on the 7.6.22 and the 24.6.22.
The contractor did not previously cut all of the grass in the Wildlife Garden, only the designated paths as agreed.
I have chased LCC for an update regarding the overgrown hedge. Although the case on “Fix My Street” has been updated, the only information I have been given is that the case is marked as closed. 28.6.22 – message from County Councillor Mike Brookes “The owner of the hedge has had notice served to cut it back by 8.7.22. Highways will inspect after that date and if the hedge has not been cut back, further action will be taken”.
The Wet Pour and the play equipment will be jet washed within the next week. NB being done 28.6.22.
A letter has been sent to the owners of the chicken farm about finding a solution to stop the moss and algae growing on the footpath near the conifer trees outside the chicken farm.
The Jubilee Memorial bench has been ordered. A deposit of £50 has been paid. Delivery will be the week ending 5.8.22
The traffic survey report has still not been received. It was completed between the 20th and the 28th April. I have chased it again.
048/22 To receive the June 22 Play Area Inspection from Cllr Baxter and to agree who will undertake the next play area inspection.
Cllr Baxter was not at the meeting. He had sent a message to say he had completed the inspection but had not yet completed the paperwork and there were no areas of concern. ACTION: Clerk to diarise for receipt of report.
049/22 To discuss the email received from Boston Borough Council about the review of housing standards in private rented accommodation within Boston Borough.
Following a discussion, it was resolved that there are no known issues to report. ACTION: Clerk to respond to email.
050/22 To discuss the email received from Lincs County Council about Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste local plan.
It was resolved that no action was needed.
051/22 To discuss the email received asking for information about the village sign
Councillors agreed that they didn’t have any information about the sign. Cllr SC advised that a former Councillor designed the sign but he no longer lives in Wigtoft. ACTION: Clerk to respond to email.
Meeting closed at 19:50
Next meeting 1st August at 7.30 pm.